A Chinatown Ghost Story

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Outside, April and Ariana stood on the building near the museum on the search for Karai and Kuro.

"That is not true." Donnie's voice spoke. "I've gone through years of intense physical training. Ninjas are some of the most skilled athletes on the planet."

April and Ariana turned around to watch Donnie running from the other building behind them. He jumped down below with his agility and climbed onto the edges of the outside staircases as he successfully landed on the rooftop in front of the girls. Donnie gave April a shimmering pose with a flirty smile, leaving April silent for a moment while Ariana was rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"You're just, like, limping around, dude." Casey's voice shouted. "Now, this is how Casey Jones crosses rooftops."

Casey jumped off another building and skated his way on the rope to land successfully on the building. He slowly made a casual pose for April that also made Ariana roll her eyes in annoyance. Ariana knew that Donnie and Casey were trying to impress April by showing off different athletic capability.

"Lame." Donnie said.

"Will you two shut up?" Ariana snapped.

"Yeah, we're supposed to be looking for Karai and Kuro." April said.

"Sorry, April. I-I didn't mean to..." Donnie apologized.

But Casey pushed Donnie out of the way and spread his arms open to April.

"My bad, red. Casey Jones apologizes." Casey apologized coolly. "Peace hug?"

Casey slowly hugged the confused April, which made Donnie and Ariana gasp in shock. While Donnie was trying to move Casey away from April, Ariana could hear the sound of the keys jingling that directed her full attention toward the Purple Dragons sneaking into the museum down below.

"The Purple Dragons." Ariana gasped in alarm.

"Yes. Peace hug's over. Let's go!" Donnie said.

Donnie grabbed April's arms and headed to the museum. Casey and Ariana rolled their eyes with groans as they both followed after them.


Inside the dark museum, the Purple Dragons quietly searched around the room. They are supposed to steal something valuable for Steranko and Rhona until they spotted an ancient dagger and pale blue hexagonal crystal orb.

"Wow." Fong smiled as he and his gang stared at the two artifacts. "Steranko and Rhona's gonna pay through the roof. We hit the mother lode!"

"Yeah? Well, you're about to get hit by a mother lode of Casey Jones." Casey declared confidently.

The Purple Dragons turned around to find themselves being confronted by Casey, Donnie, April, and Ariana.

"And a mother lode of Donnie too." Donnie declared.

"What the?" Casey said in confusion.

"Also, April and Ariana." Donnie added.

April and Ariana stared at Donnie in confusion, but they shook their heads and got in their fighting stances. A mutant turtle, two humans, and a mage kunoichi charged forward to fight the Purple Dragons. April swiftly used her fast reflexes to block Sid's punches with her tessen. Ariana's hands turned into metallic silver fists and began punching repeatedly Sid that sent him to the wall. Donnie kept dodging and attacking Fong with his bo staff as Casey finished Tsoi easily and came up to attack the gang leader with his hockey stick.

"I had him!" Casey shouted.

"Why'd you do that?" Donnie snapped.

"I saved you from a kick in the head." Casey snapped back.

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