A K-5 Christmas Caper

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(Extra #8)

It was a snowy night in New York. The people in the city were getting their decorations up for the holidays. April, Macey, Casey, Norbit, Zack, and Yami were walking around and admiring the decorations.

April wore a yellow winter coat with white fur, blue jeans, pale yellow mittens, a yellow winter hat, and black boots. Casey wore a black coat, blue jeans, black gloves, a grey winter hat, and brown boots. Macey wore a pink winter coat with light blue fur, grey jeans, pale pink mittens, a pink and blue striped scarf, a pink winter beanie, and white boots. Norbit was wearing a red Christmas hat and a red scarf. Zack was wearing a navy blue hat, a blue coat with a grey scarf, grey gloves, white pants, and black boots. And Yami wore a brown winter coat with white fur, a black scarf, black gloves, black pants, and brown winter boots.

"Wow. It's all so pretty." Macey said, amazed by the lights.

"It is pretty nice." Zack added.

"Yeah." April agreed with a nod. "Halloween might have had a monster army day but I'm excited that it's the holidays."

"You said it, Red." Casey said. "Christmas is the best time of year yet. Cause it's full of surprises to what you'll get."

"But Christmas is the season of giving." Norbit said.

"I know, Norbit." Casey replied. "But it's full of surprises."

"Like what kind of surprises, besides gifts?" Yami asked.

Suddenly, Macey spotted something in the sky and widened her eyes in surprise.

"Like that?" Macey asked.

April, Casey, Norbit, Zack, and Yami looked up and saw a green light being chased by a red light in the sky. The green light knocked the red light onto a nearby rooftop. April, Macey, Casey, Norbit, Zack, and Yami ran to the fire escape ladder as they climbed up the rooftop and saw a sleigh with nine reindeer and a huge bag on the vehicle.

"No way." Yami said, with a disbelief expression.

"Guys, I think it's..." Zack said, slowly as they walked closer to the sleigh.

Macey looked in the sleigh and gasped as she saw a big figure in red clothing. April, Casey, Norbit, Zack, and Yami walked over and saw the big figure as well. The figure sat up and rubbed his head in slight pain.

"Santa?" Macey questioned.

"Whoa." Casey whispered. "Is it really him?"

April used her powers to detect if the figure was really Santa Clause.

"It is Santa." April said as she looked at the others. "And I think he's in real trouble."


Meanwhile at the Crete Fortress. The television was playing an episode of Battlestar Matrix: Fast Forward while the K-5 were getting ready for the holidays. Ariana worked on the lights around the place, Kirana decorated the reef with neat bows and tiny pine cones, Camilla worked on placing the stockings on the walls, Ezra used his magic to decorate the tree by summoning streamers and ornaments to place on every branch, and Talia was baking Christmas cookies in the kitchen.

"Perfect." Ezra smiled. "This Christmas is gonna be awesome."

"You got that right, bro." Camilla said with a smile as she walked over to Ezra. "Finally, it's the one holiday when we can relax from anything bad in the city."

"And to spend time together." Kirana agreed as she set up the reef at the door. "Mother always loved this holiday with all of us together."

"And the snow is not too much like last time." Ariana said as she pulled up the weather app on her K-Phone. "They say that there's a huge snow storm tonight but it'll be around from 1 am to 6 am."

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