Annihilation Earth (Part 2)

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As the Triceraton leveled his laser to take aim down at Mikey and Talia, the orange masked turtle hugged the orange mage kunoichi with his eyes closed.

"Talia, if this is our doom, I just wanted to say..." Mikey said quietly.

"Say what, Mikey?" Talia asked, looking at Mikey with soft eyes.

"Since the day we first met, I've already..." Mikey said.

Suddenly, just as the Triceraton was about to pull the trigger, three shuriken hit his laser cannon that destroyed it. Then, five small white energy balls hit the Triceraton soldier on impact.

"Mikey, look!" Talia exclaimed.

Mikey opened his eyes and saw both Master Splinter and Sage! They were standing right there in Washington Square Park, along with April, Leatherhead, Mala, Pigeon Pete, Amber, June Song, Silver Osborn, Slash, Samara, Doc Rockwell, Doc Whitman, Mondo Gecko, Verona, Muckman, Elastika, and Neko! All the Mutanimals and the Amazons had come to help!

"We heard you might need some assistance." Splinter said calmly.

"We're here to help." Sage said with a gentle smile.

Leo, Kirana, Donnie, Ariana, Vee, Ezra, Macey, Norbit, Casey, Leia, Raph, and Camilla picked themselves up off the ground as they were thrilled to see their senseis and their friends.

"Splinter!" Leo exclaimed.

"Mother!" Kirana exclaimed.

"And reinforcements, yes!" Raph shouted.

"Whoo-hoo!" Camilla cheered.

Suddenly, more Triceraton soldiers were beaming down into the park armed with energy cannons. They started marching right towards the Turtles, the K-5, and their allies.

"Guys, um, you do realize we're still in extraordinarily horrendous trouble, right?" Donnie asked nervously.

"You think?" Ariana replied.

"So what do we do?" April asked as she stared at the advancing aliens.

"We kick their Jurassic!" Mikey answered. "Cowabunga!"

With that, the heroes leaped towards the Triceratons for battle.

As the Triceratons saw the defenders of planet Earth running straight towards them, they opened fire at them with their weapons. Mikey quickly hurled himself at the nearest Triceraton and whipped his nunchucks at him to deliver a couple of hits, but the bulky triceratop alien swatted Mikey away that knocked him to the ground. Talia immediately took action and curled herself into a ball with her whips covering her in sharp orange energy spikes to roll down at the Triceraton in rapid speed before she can help Mikey up off the ground. Raph and Donnie were busy dodging the Triceratons' energy blasts. Camilla unleashed flurry of low and high red energy punches at the incoming Triceratons. Ariana delivered powerful purple energy slashes at the Triceratons in a quick speed. They saw even more Triceratons teleporting into Washington Square.

"They just keep beaming down!" Donnie cried. "We'll never get past them all!"

"Not even our weapons can hold them off!" Ariana shouted.

"We've got one thing they don't have!" Raph said as he whipped a handful of shuriken at one of the Triceraton cannons to disable it. "Master Splinter!"

"And Sage!" Camilla added as she shot her gauntlets off her hands like two powerful rockets and hit the Triceraton soldiers.

As if on cue, Splinter and Sage leaped in and kicked another Triceraton, making the bulky triceratop alien stagger back.

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