The Darkness

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One sunny morning, Casey walked his feet on the streets of New York on his roller skates as he was totally aware of someone stalking him. As he turned into the alleyway, someone was chasing straight towards him.

Immediately, Casey spun around in his roller skates and skated away until he got inside the bank to watch the female mutant rabbit stop herself from getting herself hit by the glass. Casey looked at the rabbit mutant carefully before it ran away out of his sight.

"This city just keeps getting weirder and weirder with mutants everywhere." Casey commented.


Meanwhile, Ezra was practicing backflips while Kirana and Camilla were in the middle of a sparring session when Ariana walked in the dojo with an exciting news.

"Check it out, guys!" Ariana announced excitedly as she was holding a white bowl filled with black eggs in her hands. "We are about to take our ninjutsu to a whole new level. Last night, I figured out how to make ninja smoke bombs!"

Ariana threw one of the eggs to the floor and disappeared in a puff of misty black smoke before reappearing behind her two older sisters with a wide grin.

"Whoa!" Kirana, Camilla, and Ezra said in awe.

"Even though it took a while to finish, But I made it worked." Ariana explained. "I carefully drilled two holes in an egg shell without cracking it, slowly blew out the contents, waited for the inside to dry, then poured in flash powder, and sealed both holes with wax. So, we all must make sure to use them carefully."

"Who cares? Do it again!" Camilla said excitedly.

"Hey girls, I'm making breakfast!" Talia's voice called out from the kitchen. "Who wants some omelets?"

"Omelets?" Ariana echoed. She glanced at the smoke bombs in her hands and then realized what her younger sister was talking about. "Talia, don't!"

But it was too late. Talia walked into the dojo with a cough while carrying a bowl of smoke bombs with her face covered in black smoke.

"Ugh, would someone care to explain why we have rotten eggs in the fridge?" Talia asked.

Ariana rolled her eyes while Kirana giggled as she leaned helplessly against Camilla, who was also giggled at her youngest sister's face. Ezra walked up to Talia

"Those aren't eggs, Talia." Ezra said. "They're ninja smoke bombs."

"O.M.G!" Talia gushed happily with wide eyes. She quickly jumped next to Ariana acrobatically and took one black egg. "I wanna give it a shot!"

Talia was impressed as she began playing with the smoke bombs to basically wrap all over the place. Ariana tried to stop her before running out the eggs, but Talia was so happy about Ariana's new invitation that she gave her scientific sister a kiss on the cheek.

Just then, Casey rushed in the fortress through the living room. Norbit activated and walked over to Casey.

"Guys, guys, you'll never believe what happened to me!" Casey cried.

The K-5 quickly ran into the living room to see Casey sat down on the couch.

"Casey, calm down." Ariana said calmly, sitting next to the human vigilante. "Are you OK?"

"I am being hunted by a giant rabbit!" Casey said, grabbing Ariana by the arms with a frantic look.

Ezra held in his laugh while Camilla laughed openly, but she then stopped to notice that Kirana and Talia are glaring at her.

"I can't be the only one whose finds that funny." Camilla said.

"It's not funny, Camilla." Ariana said, helping Casey off the couch. "There's a mutant creature out there trying to hurt my Casey."

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