The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones

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In his apartment home, Casey was writing down something in his journal on his desk.

"Mutant monsters and robot ninjas are taking over my city." Casey narrated.

Casey was exercising hard to build up his strength with a serious look on his face.

"How long before those freaks hurt somebody close to me like my Dad, my little sister, April? I'm not waiting around to find out." Casey continued.

Casey then grabbed two hockey sticks, a baseball bat, and many other weapons to prepare himself.

"All my life, I knew I was meant for something greater. This is my calling, my destiny. A true warrior has gotta be prepared." Casey vowed.

Casey finally walked towards the mirror and stared at his reflection with a threatening look.

"Who do you...Who do you think you are, a ninja? Bring it, punk!" Casey said courageously. He put on his hockey mask on his face. "Scum-sucking, mutated freaks of the world, prepare to meet Casey Jones."


In the Crete Fortress, the K-5 had prepared to face off each other in their daily training.

"Today, you five must spar this free for all competition. Last mage standing wins." Sage announced. "Hajime!"

Camilla went after Ariana, who released several bullets of razor-sharp metal at her older sister. Camilla dodged each bullet out of the way and delivered a powerful electrical kick that knocked Ariana into the dojo's tree, leaving the purple mage kunoichi walk away to kneel next to her mother. Camilla moved onto Ezra to make a move, but Kirana jumped and attacked Camilla with a swing of her ice-covered kick.

"What the heck do you think you're doing, Kirana?" Camilla demanded as she blocked Kirana's icy kick with her electric punch. "I had my goal set on Ezra!"

"What part of last mage standing don't you understand?" Kirana retorted.

Kirana moved away from Camilla and fired multiple ice arrows at high speed towards Ezra, but he dodged every arrow coming his way. Ezra summoned five light bolts at Talia, knocking her off balance on her back to the floor.

"This is not fair!" Talia whined, walking to the wall next to Ariana.

"That's why distraction is a kunoichi's powerful weapon in her arsenal." Sage lectured.

Now, three mages are watching the match between the leader, the sorcerer, and the rebel.

"Looks like it's just you, Ezra, and me in a final round, Ice Queen." Camilla quipped.

"I'm gonna take you down." Kirana retorted. "Very painfully."

"I've picked up some new skills." Ezra smirked. "And they're perfect for this match."

Kirana, Camilla, and Ezra clashed forward as they kept delivering rapid punches and kicks at each other. Their enhanced strength and speed made them move around the dojo to strike and block each other's attacks. But the match didn't take long when Ezra jumped high in the air and planted her light-covered fist right into the ground, knocking the blue mage kunoichi and red mage kunoichi off their feet.

"Whoa. Ezra won the match." Ariana said, surprised.

Ezra moved away from his downed sisters and knelt his knees before Sage, with a smile on his face.

"Outstanding, Ezra." Kirana said, impressed.

Camilla got herself back on her feet and glared at her younger brother with a heat of rage that quickly caught Talia's attention.

K-5 (Full)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें