Into Dimension X

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Inside the Kraang facility place, Mala was frantically running from the Kraang droids in Dimension X. She spirited inside into the crystal trees to hide from the Kraang droids and held the Kraang Communicator in her hands.

"K-5!" Mala spoke to the Kraang Communicator. "The Kraang have perfected the mutagen. They're about to..."

Then suddenly, the Kraang droids found Mala with their laser guns.

"Halt, that which is referred to as intruder." The Kraang droid ordered.

Without hestitation, Mala destroyed the first round of Kraang droids. But some reinforcements defeated Mala with stun guns that knocked her out unconsciously.


In the Crete Fortress, three sisters and one brother sat down on the couch in the living room.

"This is it." Kirana smiled. "The final episode of Ace Crown."

"Let's get this show started!" Talia beamed.

Camilla and Ezra looked around to notice that Ariana isn't here with them.

"But wait a minute. Where's Ariana?" Camilla asked.

"Maybe she's in the lab." Ezra said.

"Guys, get in here!" Ariana voice shouted from the opening lab doors. "You have got to see this!"


Kirana, Camilla, Talia, and Ezra sprinted inside Ariana's lab as they spotted the Kraang Communication Orb activating itself up and a figure of Mala popped up from transmission.

"K-5!" Mala spoke.

"Mala! She's alive!" Talia beamed as she and her siblings gathered around the orb.

"K-5. The Kraang have perfected the mutagen. They're about to..." Mala informed.

Then, the recording was interrupted and turned off.

"Oh, no! They got her! She needs our help!" Talia gasped with a worry face.

"She must be in dimension X." Ariana said. She looked down at small metallic device on her desk. "When I placed the communication orb, her signal activated the orb."

"You mean this?" Talia asked, picking up the device in her hand.

Talia pressed a button on the device and it flew up to open up a portal. But this time, purple fog came out from the portal.

"What did Talia do?" Camilla asked angrily.

"My bad!" Talia snapped.

"Why didn't you do something, Ariana?" Ezra asked.

"Hey!" Ariana snapped.

"What is that?" Kirana asked in shock.

"It's Kraang atmosphere." Ariana replied.

Ariana moved her index finger in a circle and pointed her magic at her siblings' mouth that gave them specialized transparent masks to breathe without passing out from the air. She then pointed her magic to place the mask on her mouth.

"Here, filtration units. They'll allow us to breathe it safely." Ariana said.

"Okay, here's the plan." Kirana said. "Talia, you stay here on a lookout."

"Wait, why?" Talia asked.

"Your clumsy nature has been messing up too much on our mission." Kirana pointed out. "We can't take the chance."

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