Accel and Mages

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"No, not me! No! No! Noooooooo!"

The K-5 sat on the couch and played a new video game with their black game controllers in the living room. Their eyes stared focusedly on the television screen to keep track on their game avatars. Kirana's game avatar has a sky blue metallic body with long platinum blonde hair in a loose French braid and blue eyes. She wore a dark blue sleeveless bodysuit with a gold utility belt, gold platlets on both of her shoulders, two black gloves with gold armbands, and dark blue combat boots. Ariana's game avatar has a bright lilac metallic body with long silky golden blonde hair and bright green eyes. She wore a dark purple leather halter neck top that shows off her midrifit, dark purple leather pants with a gold utility belt, black fingerless gloves that covered up to her upper arms with gold arm platlets, and dark purple knee-high combat boots. Camilla's game avatar has a bright scarlet metallic body with long curly red hair and blue eyes. She wore a dark red bodysuit with golden platelets on both of her shoulders, dark brown trench coat with a gold utility belt, thick black gloves, and dark red knee-high combat boots. Talia's game avatar has a tangerine metallic body with long strawberry-blonde hair tied into two braided pigtails and turquoise blue eyes. She wore a dark orange long-sleeved top that shows a couple inches of her midrift with a gold platlets on both of her shoulders, dark orange leather pants with a gold utility belt, and dark orange knee-high combat boots. Ezra's game avatar has a turquoise metallic body with short messy black hair and chocolate brown eyes. He wore a teal armor suit with turquoise circles in the center of his chest and on each of his shoulder pads, dark teal leather pants with a turquoise utility belt, and dark teal combat boots.

"No fair! My whip didn't have no effect on the robot gorillas." Talia cried.

"Chill out, Talia. Your avatar is able to fight...for now." Kirana said with an omninous smile.

Talia held her orange game controller in the air with a triumphant smile, making Camilla roll her eyes with a smile while focusing on her avatar with her red game controller.

"Now, we're on the next stage against the vicious black leopards, ladies and gentleman." Kirana said. "You have to peform a stronger attack in order to defeat them."

Ariana pressed buttons on her purple game controller and her game avatar fired purple arrow-like blasts of energy at the incoming black leopards from the tip of her staff in rapid speed. Talia pressed buttons on her orange game controller and her game avatar wrapped the charging black leopards to send waves of orange energy for an immerse explosion. Both of their attacks took a perfect effect on the black leopards.

"Oh yeah!" Ariana and Talia smiled excitedly.

Ezra pressed buttons on his teal game controller and his game avatar fired turquoise energy balls at the black leopards and they were easily defeated. Camilla pressed buttons on her red game controller and her game avatar fired her red rocket gauntlets at the jumping black leopard for a perfect aim, but that attack missed the black leopards and made her game avatar dodge out of the way.

"Yes!" Ezra cheered.

"What?!" Camilla gasped sharply.

"Wow, those lepoards dodged your attack quick, dude!" Talia grinned.

"Well, lucky for you, you were able to avoid the leopards' claw attack." Kirana said. "Otherwise, your avatar will lose her health bar halfway."

"Not on my watch." Camilla said as she kept pressing on the button on her game controller. "I'm gonna use my avatar's gauntlets to strike on full power."

Sage was walking into the kitchen and opened the fridge, where Pink Hallow held a popsicle with a bright smile on his face. She smiled back and took the popsicle before closing the fridge and entering into the living room to see her children playing their video game with excitement.

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