S2: 18 | Hanging out with Jonah

Start from the beginning

You're not innocent, pfft.

Hey I'm innocent!

"A tattoo parlour?" I found myself asking Jonah.

Aegeus Tattoo Parlour blinked back at me in bright white lights. The place itself looked shady, but expensive.

"Yeah." He looked down at me with a small smile on his face. "This tattoo parlour is quite famous. I've always wanted to get one done here."

Oh I forgot that he has tattoos.

He started to lead me inside the already open tattoo parlour. I looked around and the place was empty. There was only a single black chair where I assume is where the people sit and lie down to get their tattoos done.

There were about ten mirrors attached to the walls. The lighting was dim and the place looked shady, but the intricate designs on the creamy white walls gave away the fact that the place was probably owned by a rich goth man.

"Well hello my dearies!"

Scratch that- rich goth lady.

The lady with pixie cut pitch black hair emerged from the back room of the tattoo parlour. She wore a short-sleeved red turtle neck, plaid red and black flared pants, dark red retro high heels, and sunglasses too big for her face.

Wow, talk about blast from the past.

This woman looks like she came straight out of a 90's movie.

"Hi, I'm Jonah." Jonah waved, shooting the woman one of his famous smiles.

"Ginny." She smiled, flashing her pearly whites.

"I'm guessing you're here to get a tattoo of your girlfriend's name on your back, eh?" Her birmingham accent was thick as she asked Jonah the question.

Jonah momentarily looked at me and fidgeted. "Ah, I don't have a-"

"Oh and there's the girlfriend!" She enthusiastically grabbed on my arm, making my eyes nearly pop out of my sockets.

She started leading me to a small black pedestal that had a thick portfolio of designs on it.

"I have a lot of fonts for your name." She started flipping through the pages with her free hand.

She looked at me with wonder in her big doe black eyes, "What's your name again, dearie?"

"Lotte. But I'm not Jonah's girlf-"

"Come now, Jonah!" Ginny called for Jonah, immediately clinging onto the boy's arm and letting go of mine.

I stood awkwardly at the background and looked at Jonah who gave me a forced smile.

She let Jonah sit down on the tattoo chair and then lay on his back.

"Now where would you like the tattoo?" She asked him while she readied her equipment.

"On my back. But I want a different tattoo." Jonah explained, looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Oh? Not your girlfriend's name?" She asked, pointing at me.

"We're not dating." I immediately blurted out.

Her eyes widened, looking quite disappointed. "Oh."

"Yeah." I fidgeted, glancing at Jonah who was already looking at me.

"I made my friend sketch a tattoo that I want." Jonah took a piece of folded bond paper from the back pocket of his black jeans.

Once he unfolded it, he handed it to Ginny. She started scanning the paper and then giddily smiled, looking at me as she did so.

Okay, creepy lady, I get it.

The drawing must be fine as flickity fluck.

He whispered something to her, making her expression brighten.

Um hello?

Chaperone here!

Chaperone Charlotte.

Chaperone Lotte.


Scratch that- chape-lotte who doesn't know what's going on, here!

"Alright, I'll go do it then." She grinned again, shooting me another one of her weird looks.

Listen lady, I like your outfit but I really don't like the way you're looking at me like you're about to commit murder.

It's like I'm in a tattoo parlour in Murderville.

Population: Me.

I swear I saw murder in those black beady eyes.

Or maybe it was just malice and excitement..

Yeah no.

Let's go with murder.

"Will it take long?" I asked, looking at the digital clock on my phone.

In bright big white numbers, my screen flashed 10:25 PM.

It's bed time.

Chape-lotte, aka me is tired.

I mean I like being here. It's a good experience. But I can't really rest standing up while I watch Jonah get tattooed for what? Hours?

"Art takes time, dearie." Ginny looked at me with a small smile.

"You can go to the pantry at the back of you get hungry." She offered, dabbing her tattoo pen on some sort of paper.

You don't have to tell me twice, lady.

It suddenly didn't even matter that I was going to be waiting forever for Jonah's tattoo to get done. All I could think about was the blessing that was in the back room.

With a giddy smile on my face, I rushed to the back room, in search of the love of my life...



Question of the day:

If the world was ending tomorrow, what would you do today?


I'd pray so hard and ask God to forgive all my sins. I might appear all high and mighty but I don't want to go to hell.

Advance Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it!


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