Chapter 22

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As soon as his kiss registered in my system, my body suddenly felt weak. It feels like I was just kissing him in my dream. His lips are so soft, yet it felt like his hungry kisses will swell my lips.

My body wanted to give in and deepened the kiss, but then I suddenly remember something as I came back to my senses, realizing what he was actually doing to me.

Gathering all the strength that left me a second ago, I pushed him with all the power I have.

I succeeded in separating his lips from mine, and when the elevator's door opened, I took that opportunity to get away from him. I heard him calling out my name, but I didn't bother to look back at him and just run as fast as I could.

What he did was wrong!

And why the heck did I let him kissed me?!

Crap! I've done terrible, and I felt bad! Freya will definitely get mad at me when she knew about what Vaughn did! About not pushing away her fiance right away!

Since I'm in a rush, I didn't take out the spare keys in my pocket to open Landon's unit instead; I pressed his penthouse's passcode, but before I could completely enter, a hand suddenly gripped my wrist, and harshly pinned me on the nearest wall.

A gasp escapes my lips when my gaze met Vaughn's burning eyes. I suddenly regretted coming here alone without calling Landon. 

Vaughn's hands are cornering me, not giving me enough space to breathe. His face is too close that if I move forward, my lips will definitely touch his.

I didn't dare to move, and I just swallowed hard, equalling his stare. "W-What are you doing, V-Vaughn?" my voice trembles.

The way his eyes look at me remained the same. I think what I asked made him more even mad. Then it startled me when he chuckles but has no humor behind it.

"Why don't you ask yourself, Fleur. What the hell have you done to me, huh?" he muttered under his breath, sending chills to my body. My heart pounded, wanting to come out on my chest.

I don't remember doing something to him! Is he too drunk and thought that I was Freya? But I clearly heard him calling me Fleur!

I ignored my traitor heart to answer him. "I-I  don't know what you m-meant by that, Vaughn... A-And why are you even here? I-I'm sure your fiance—" I was cut off by his sudden kiss. Gosh! This man was probably out of his mind!

And for the second time, I managed to push him away with all force, and to my horror, I even have the guts to slap him hard. I immediately regretted it the moment I saw his reaction.

He stiffened from what I did, unable to react to my unexpected action.

Guilt crept into me, so I immediately went to him and touch his face. "I-I'm sorry. I-I was just s-shocked on what you did."

His left face starting to show the mark from the slap. "I-I'm really sorry," I repeated because he still didn't say something.

He held my hand, and I thought he's going to remove my hold unto his face, but I was wrong. He just gripped it and stare at me. I saw that his expression changed. I can now only see the pain in his eyes.

"W-What did I do to you, Fleur?" his voice was low, my hand stayed on his face since he doesn't want to let it go.

"W-What are you talking about?" I asked, confused by his question.

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