Chapter 6

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I woke up early and just like before; I went to the kitchen to prepare for some decent breakfast.

I sat down on the chair near in the counter and just stare at the food in front of me. I'm having a second thought if I'll eat first or not. I don't want to face Vaughn, but he owned this place, so I better wait for him. it's common courtesy for me and I'm not use in eating alone.

And what happened last night was still fresh in memory. But I can't run away from it. Starting today, I'll be more cautious to my action. At some point, my heart was telling me otherwise.

I shook my head, then stands up to knock on Vaughn's room. Before that, I took a deep breath. He's a little drunk last night, so maybe he won't recall what happens, right? But if he remembered about it, then I should keep on denying until he'll get tired of asking.

I softly knocked on his door, but he's not responding. I even called him, but he won't open it. This time, I shouted a little and knocked louder, but still no response coming from him.

Then, I hold on to the doorknob and it surprised me that it wasn't lock! I twisted it and slowly entered his room. I'm not here to pry on his privacy, but I really need to wake him up for breakfast. And if he refused, then I can eat peacefully without thinking about common courtesy.

I roamed my eyes inside and saw that his room was dark. The wall was black and mixed with grey and I smelled manly scent as well. Then my eyes went to his bed. He's sleeping peacefully. And Gosh! He was topless! The blanket was only covering his lower body!

I immediately looked away and blew out a long breath. This man doesn't even lock his door and didn't even wear any shirt!

I went to the side of his bed so that I can wake him up. I gently shook his shoulder. But he's still not waking up!

I was about to shake his shoulder again when I felt his hand on my wrist, my eyes widened then he suddenly pulled me on his bed. I'm now lying beside him!

Is he awake?! Maybe dreaming?! What he was doing wasn't right!

I tried to remove his hold on my wrist, but he's too strong! I even tried to escape, but he encircled his hand around my waist! He's hugging me and his face was just a few inches away from mine.

I held my breath and closed my eyes. Oh, God! Help me with this one.

I know, pretending to be someone else wasn't right, but please don't torture me like this.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that he's already staring at me! He's awake!

I immediately pushed him away, so I ended up on falling in the bed!

"Ouch!" I shouted. My back hurts! I slowly stand up and acted like nothing happened. Then I glared at him. "Breakfast was ready. You asshole!" I yelled at him and left his room.

I heard him laughing, but I just ignored him and directly went to the kitchen. That man was a scam! He's awake all along! And waking him up was a bad idea after all.

I ate and didn't wait for him to join me. How dare him to pull me on his bed and hug me! I have something for him before, but what he did was a no no! I'm not his fiancé! He can't do that to me! I continue to rant on my mind.

I angrily chewed my food, and I heard his footsteps approaching. I felt his presence and saw him in my peripheral vision that he's looking at me, but I didn't bother to gaze at him. I just continue on eating my food.

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