Chapter 27

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AS I ENTER the mansion, mom immediately approached me as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Where did you go, Fleuna? You've been out of reach since you came with Frenna at the club that your cousin owned! Then suddenly Frenna told me you're staying at her condo, yet she won't let me visit, but I doubt that. And why you didn't even inform me about your stay at her unit?" her tone sounds so worried.

Thank god Freya didn't tell her about my stay with Vaughn.

I swallowed hard, then forced myself to plaster a small smile. "I-I just stayed at her condo mom because I've been busy about some matter about my work. And I didn't inform you since I don't know if you'll allow me." I lied and hoping that mom would buy it.

Mom's eyes were filled with curiosity and before she could drop another question, uncle Leo came between and save me from mom's interrogation.

"You can ask her later, Fely," uncle Leo said, then whispered something to mom.

Mom let out a sigh of defeat and nodded at what uncle has whispered, then mom eyes went to mine as she smiled widely at me. "Someone's waiting for you in the dining room, Fleuna."

My brows furrowed then I got curious when uncle also beams at me and before I could ask who's waiting for me, mom already pulled me with her to go in the dining room.

As I walk closer towards the dining area, my eyes grew bigger when I recognized the two people's back.

Without minding my surrounding and letting them face me, I instantly wrapped my arms around mother's back. I felt she tensed on what I did, then felt her hand on mine.

"How are you, Fleur?" she muttered and loosens my hold to look at me.

I smiled and hugged her again. "I'm alright, mother. How about you?"

Mother took seconds to respond at me. "I'm doing good, my dear... but of course there is no time that I don't miss you." I heard how she controlled herself from bursting into tears. It's been so long since I've hugged her like this.

"I always miss you as well, mother... and I know it's too late to say this, but thank you for keeping me and treating me as your own daughter." Even if she hid the things about me, I'm still thankful that it's her who took care of me, and I'm grateful that she's the one who raised me.

Someone cleared their throat, so it caught our attention, then when I glanced at mother side, I saw my brother who's now completely healed.

I went closer to him and encircled my arms on my his waist. "I'm glad that you're now able to stand on your own without a crutch, brother... I miss you."

He also wrapped his arms around my waist before he answers me. "I miss you too, Fleur... I'm happy that you're now with your real family. Sorry again for keeping everything from you, my sister."

A smile crept onto my lips because of his statement. Despite of him knowing that I'm not really a Verdone, he never treated me as a stranger or get jealous when I always have mother's attention.

"Thank you for being a good brother to me. And now I fully understand on why you asked me that favor, brother."

I heard my brother chuckled as he withdrew from the hug. "You only knew half of the story on why I asked you that favor, Fleur."

My eyes narrowed and I was about to question him when mom called Freya's name. I saw how Freya's eyes widened when she saw my mother and brother, but she immediately composed herself and went closer to mother to say her greetings.

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