Chapter 16

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It's been hours since I left Freya's mansion, but what her mother said stuck on my head.

I can't believe what I witnessed inside that house! On how her mom called me as her baby, her Fleuna!

Crap! I'm having a headache because of that!

But it feels weird because I can feel warm on her mother's hug. It feels nice on her arms, and on how she calls me on that foreign name, 'Fleuna.'

Someone interrupted my thoughts. It was Landon. "We're here, Fleur. I'm sure mom will be glad to see you." He informed.

I snapped on my thoughts. "Oh," the words that came out of my mouth while swinging my head a little. Stupid me! I didn't even realize that the car already stopped!

I heard Landon clearing his throat. He didn't get out of the car yet. "Are you alright? You seem a little bothered," he asked in a worry tone.

"Yeah. I-I'm just thinking about the talked I had with Freya's family." I explained.

He slightly nodded his head then went out of his car. Seconds only, he opened the shotgun door for me. "Thanks," I murmured.

After stepping out of his car, my eyes roamed around the place and saw the familiar mansion. I already went here before. I can still remember how we used to play here when we were younger.

A deep sigh left my mouth. I suddenly remembered that man again...

Then it shocked me when Landon spoke beside me. "You sure you're okay, Fleur?"

"Y-Yeah." I replied then walk near the entrance door of the mansion, but I noticed something. "Um... Are you sure the party wasn't yet done? I can't hear something like music or what," I interrogated. That's strange. I cannot see any car aside from his and 3 more unfamiliar cars.

He chuckled. "Mom only had a simple celebration earlier. And now that it's evening, it's just a family dinner, Fleur. Her friends and other visitors already went home," he clarified, and my jaw dropped.

"What?! T-Then why did you still brought me here when the party was already over?! A-And family dinner?!" I can't help but to raise my tone at him. I can't believe he still brought me here, even though they will have a family dinner! This man!

He beamed at me like I said something pleasant. "Because mom invited you. And she already recognized you as our family, Fleur. Dad also wanted to see you," he stated.

"But still—" he cut me off.

"No buts, Fleur. Let's go. They are already waiting for us," he interjected while he took my right hand, then opened the entrance door.

As we stepped inside their immense mansion, I can already hear laughter and I expect it's coming from the dining area.

I exhaled a heavy breath and my hands starting to tremble. Crap!

Landon held my hand even tighter when he felt that my hands were shaking. "Don't be nervous, Fleur. It's just a family dinner," he whispered.

A smile crept onto my lips. His words somehow lessen the nervousness I have inside. He really knew how to make me feel comfortable.

Then after that, the helpers went to us and starting to greet Landon, and also me. Some of them were familiar since I've been already here.

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