Chapter 21

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Freya's words fucking kept me awake until morning, and I almost forgot about my schedule for today. But I'm glad that Ley immediately informed me about the important meeting I have.

Last night after talking to Freya, my fucking mind becomes a mess. I can't process her words and also when I got back to our table, I didn't see Fleur anymore. Zyair told me she left with Kyst. That's fucking another reason why I didn't have a good sleep.

How can these two women, who look totally the same, can fucking do this to me?!

Damn it!

Then I heard a knock from the door, interrupting my thoughts.

"Come in!" I yell at the person who knocked. I'm fucking pissed and definitely not in a good mood. I guess I should ask my mom about what Freya has said.

The door of my office slowly opened, and it revealed my secretary, who carefully went inside. "Sir, Mr. Demetri's secretary called just seconds ago. He said that Mr. Demetri wants to meet you today—" I cut her off.

"That bastard. Does he think his company is a great asset to us?! My company doesn't need him. And he's not even the one who invested in my company!" I gritted my teeth when I remembered fucking Demetri.

He's the one who recommended me, that stupid investigator who didn't even give me proper information. I even spent enormous money to know personal information about Freya, but in the end, that investigator just missed something about her!

"But sir—" for the second time, I didn't let her finish her word again.

"Tell him to fuck off," I said sharply.

"But sir, you already signed a contract with him. And his father entrusted you to help him handle a business," Ley reasoned out.

Fuck! I almost forgot about the promise I did with his father! I slowly massage my temple. "Just fucking put him after my meeting with Dusk Voultri," I said with finality and starting to review the proposals on my desk.

It's been a while since I fucking concentrated on my company. How did I fucking forget about my business when Freya entered my life?!

Shit! Dad would probably be disappointed in me when I let his company fail. And speaking of him, it's been two months since he visited me. I hope he's just doing fine. Mom never said that she misses dad, but I can see in her eyes that she's longing for someone. That she misses someone, and I assumed that it's dad. Yet, it's impossible since they never really get along.

I shook my head and just focus my attention on the papers on my desk.

Then after an hour of analyzing the important files of my company, Ley knocked on the door again to inform me about my meeting with Dusk this afternoon.

I stood up from my chair and just check the time. I still have 40 minutes and I think I can get to the restaurant within 15 minutes. I walk towards the door and before I could go outside; I heard that my phone rang. It was Freya.

Why is she calling me? To mess with my fucking brain again?!

Without having a second thought, I declined her call. I'm sure she wants to talk to me again about the conversation we had last night. And Hell no! I want some peace of mind for now. I'll deal with her tomorrow.

I ignored my phone and continue to step outside my office, Ley saw me approaching and said that she'll come with me, but I told her to stay here since I'm fine without her assistance. She didn't insist anymore and just let me leave my office.

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