Chapter 28

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IT HAS BEEN three years, but it feels like it's just been yesterday when Vaughn left the city.

I can't blame him since I was the one who made a terrible decision. It was me who always leave his side. I'm always the one who hurts him... who pushes him away and never really cares about his feelings for me.

Because I was really a coward to take risks. I was a weakling for not even trying to fight for our love.

And every day without knowing where he was, it always pains my heart. My freaking heart didn't stop bleeding ever since that day where I met Vaughn as my half-brother, at the time when I last saw him.

It always pierces my heart knowing that my decision was the reason I lose Vaughn. I still feel pain, so much raw pain, every time I think of those things he can sacrifice for me.

Perhaps all of those happened to be able to rediscover me. To learn and be brave to fight for the things that I want... and love. Because after years without him, realization dawn upon me, it hunts me every night, knowing that the love I had for him was too shallow where I don't even know how to fight for it.

Yet, after realizing everything, the thing I had for him before was now gone...

It replaced by another feeling where I'm sure I can finally do and risk everything I have. Maybe it took me so long and maybe... It's now too late... but one thing is for sure. I didn't regret any of the decisions I've done in the past. I never regretted losing Vaughn because it became the reason why I became much stronger and brought me to where I am right now...

Although he and I move in new spheres, away from each other facing the challenges our futures bring, my heart was still his. I feel blessed at the time we had, for the feelings we shared, and he'll remain in my heart forever.

For me, those things he did just to show me how love truly works will always stay in my heart. Even if he's not in my arms anymore, and my eyes can no longer see him by my side, I still love him very much...

But I guess I have to be contented and accept that he's now just a part of my past, a part of my heart where no one can enter. He's the love that I must let go of because now there are things I must put my attention on and love...

Everything now has changed and I can't dwell on my past decisions since I'm now in the present where I have a new life to live and new things I have to care of...

With that on my head, my eyes instantly went to the person lying on my bed.

A smile curved into my lips when I stared at how peaceful her sleep was. Slowly, I went beside her and gently tuck loose hair behind her ear.

She's really lovely to look at but only when she's asleep because if she's awake, she's already throwing her tantrums to me and never stop complaining... But I never thought that she would come into my life, into our life. I never really thought that a blessing like her could simply melt the despair I have. I didn't really expect that Kayena Alessana will change how I view my life and taught me you can't really patch the broken pieces from the past. The only thing you can do is to start anew and reflect on the mistakes you've done.

Suddenly, a knock from the door pulled me back into reality. Even without opening it, I already know who it was. Carefully, I went towards the door and slowly twisted the doorknob.

It revealed Landon's face then to my surprised, he immediately wrapped his arms around my body.

A smile formed on my lips at what he did then I enveloped my arms on him as well. "You alright?" I mumbled.

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