Chapter 18

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WHAT THE actual fuck! Why would I feel hatred towards Kyst while he was hugging Fleur!?

Why the hell would I become like this!? Fuck! I didn't even have a good sleep last night thinking about her... She occupied my thoughts the moment I met her!

I let out a harsh sigh and frowned at Kyst. "You won't even say hi to her mother?" I asked. I don't fucking care if he can hear the bitterness in my tone.

Kyst glanced at me, then shook his head. "Auntie won't be pleased if she saw me with, Fleur." He trailed off, then left me with Zyair and went to his car.

Fleur's mother doesn't approve of their friendship? Then she won't accept it once they got into a relationship, right!? Fuck! Don't conclude something stupid, Vaughn!

And what is it to you if Fleur's mother won't support them!? Shit! Don't you ever think Fleur's mother will like you instead!

You moron! That's not a Welsch thing! You can't steal your cousin's girl! I scolded myself, then I snapped ranting on my head when I heard someone laughed beside me.

It was fucking Zyair. I almost forgot that I'm not alone. He perhaps saw me zoning out! Damn it!

"Don't tell me you're fucking thinking about Fleur again? You already insisted to come here just to see her, Vaughn," he continued to laugh. I can't really keep a secret from this asshole. He knew everything and notices anything!

"What the fuck are you talking about!? I'm not a fucking stalker!" I denied his allegation, even if know that he won't buy it. I can't let him use that as my weakness. I know this asshole might use the truth against me.

He quit laughing but there's a smirk plastered on his face. "I'm not a fool, Vaughn. I didn't say that you're stalking her and you never ask me before just to go to Kyst's penthouse. It was always me who will ask you to come with me. So, how can you fucking explain that?" He pointed out, rolling his eyes.

He's right. I never went and asked him to visit Kyst, it was always him who will bring me to Kyst's unit... But it was now fucking different since Kyst was with Fleur! They are living on the same roof and it pissing me off!

Even if Zyair's words hit me, I kept a straight face. "Just fucking shut up," I hissed, then went inside my car to drive back to the city.

After hours of driving, it was almost midnight when I arrived at my penthouse. When I got inside of my unit, I immediately went to my room to have a cold shower.

It was fucking confusing when my heart beat faster whenever Fleur was around. And it was fucking ridiculous when my heart already beat that way before...

Am I in love with Fleur and Freya? Is that even fucking normal!?

Bullshit! That can't be! Or I'm just fucking attracted to them since they have the same face!?

Another bullshit! You know that they don't look the same, especially their eyes!

I shook my head to erase my thoughts, then blew out a deep breath. I narrowed my eyes and massaged my temple.

What the hell is my fucking problem!? I can't be in love with Freya, then at Fleur at the same time!

But when I totally closed my eyes. A memory flashed into my head. I saw the girl who caught my attention when I was still in high school, she's smiling at someone... At Kyst?

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