Chapter 14

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It was auntie Levyna. I expect that she's here for Kyst. I turned my back to Zyair and didn't worry about calling him and just walked towards my aunt.

When she saw me coming, she plastered a smile on her face. "Vaughn? What are you doing here?" she inquired, shocked was written on her face.

I moved closer to greet her with a brief hug. "I just want to talk to Kyst auntie," I responded.

She nodded her head. "Oh. Did he already informed you about my party this upcoming Friday?"

"He still didn't tell me about it auntie but I'm sure he—" Auntie Levyna cut me off.

"So he still didn't invite you?!" Her smile faded. "He became busy these past few days he won't even answers my calls. But I guess he's just busy with Fleur," she added. The name she said caught my attention.

"Fleur?" I can't help but to question.

She looked at me, then laughed. "Oh. You don't know her? She's friends with Kyst for how many years. Fleur already went into our house before. I'm not sure if you already met her in the mansion, but she's always with Kyst, so I think you've already seen her." Auntie explained.

That explained why Kyst told me I already met that Fleur! Maybe I met her when I was still young! But fuck! I can't remember her!

I shook my head. "So she's with Kyst auntie?" I inquired.

Auntie nodded her head. "Yeah. She's also going to work for Kyst starting tomorrow."

That woman was still a mystery for me. But the weird thing was, I can feel something inside me when I heard that name. It feels weird when I want to know more about her...

Auntie's voice pulled me out from my thoughts. "Why don't we go to his office together since we're both here for my Kyst? Also, it's your chance to meet Fleur," she suggested, and I was about to say yes to her, but I heard my phone ringing, stopping me to say something to auntie.

It was mom.

"I'll just answer this auntie—" she stopped me.

"Your mother already knew about your engagement with that Monthe, Vaughn. And I know you're already old enough to decide on your own," she stated while putting her right hand on my shoulder, tapping it. "Alright. I'll leave you here. I'm sure your mother was now furious about it," she said, then gave me a small smile.

After auntie left, I answered my mom's call. Fuck! Mom already knew it! I'm sure she'll be mad about it!

"Vaughn! Is that true?!" she screamed on the phone.

"What is it, mom?" I asked, even if I already know why she called.

"Don't lie to me! Are you really engaged with a Monthe?! Really Vaughn?! You're marrying a Monthe?! Did you already forget what happened to me?!" she continued to shout at me.

"I didn't forget about it, mom. And she's not her dad. She didn't do anything. She has nothing to do with what her father—" mom didn't let me finish.

"She's still an offspring of that man! She's still a Monthe! Cut your engaged with her, Vaughn. Don't you dare marry her!" mom yelled, then ended the call.

I let out a harsh breath... it was really hard to be with her... I know being in love with a Monthe will make my life complicated... But I can't stop my fucking heart to beat wildly when it comes to her... I'm at ease whenever I'm with her...

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