Chapter 29

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Feeling how my feet glued on the marbled-tile, I can't take my eyes off from the portraits in front of me.

How the hell did Vaughn have this picture of me? Of us! This doesn't even make sense at all!

Me and him in a picture when we're still a kid? When we're still a baby?! How the heck did that happen?!

Maybe it's edited? I shook my head that's impossible since it really looks freaking real!

With that in my head, I went closer to the images, and they were legit! Even if I was still a baby in the photo, I can tell that it's me because of my yellow blonde hair and based on the images of my baby picture that mother has shown me before. Meanwhile, as for Vaughn, even if he's just 3 or maybe 4 years-old here, I can see that it's him since I'm familiar with his feature. I already memorized his face and his eyes that seriously looking at the camera.

But how come we have some pictures together when we're still a baby?! And Vaughn was hugging me in the photo while seriously gazing at the camera!

Before I could completely lose my mind, Vaughn finally entered the living room. His eyes widened when he noticed that I already scattered the fabrics of the portraits on the floor.

His wide-eyes glanced at me and I saw how he carefully put down the drinks and cakes he brought for us on the glass table near the sofa. I saw how he swallowed hard before his eyes unsteadily looked at me. There's a hint of guilt hiding in his eyes.

Vaughn slowly advanced his steps. "I-I guess we should start here." His voice trembles then he let out an audible sigh.

I looked at him with full of questions but my throat was dry so I can't form any single word. I just gave him a nod and silently sat on the sofa with my trembling hands.

He did the same thing, and now he's in front of me, observing my reaction. I gulped hard, but didn't break the silence.

Seconds of having a staring battle with him, he sigh like he's defeated.

My eyes didn't leave him, so I saw how his eyes softened and slowly bowed his head, like he's now afraid to meet my eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Fleur... I'm really sorry for everything," he whispered.

I stiffened at his words while I felt that my heart clenched. It was hurting like hell seeing how he apologized first when I should be the one who's asking for his forgiveness since I was the one who's at fault. I was the one who let go and didn't fight for our love.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I finally utter some words. "I-I should be the one who's apologizing, Vaughn... I was selfish—"

"You never become selfish, Fleur. It was me who's really greedy for love." He cut me off and his eyes finally met mine. "It was me who's always selfish. I didn't consider your feelings, the p-past and how my relatives destroyed your family."

Shocked at his statement, my mind can't think of any response. I stay still and looked at him with my lips parted.

Vaughn flashed a weak smile. "I was so eager to have you, your love and full attention to where I got blinded by my selfishness... but I was fucking clueless, Fleur. I didn't know how cruel my descendants towards your family. I didn't know that they can do that because of love... That's why I left that day, after I discovered dad married your mother, a-after my mother told me of thinking of kidnapping you, and how we're r-related by b-blood, Fleur."

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