Chapter 17

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I DIDN'T REALIZE what time I slept last night, and I also don't know what to feel after seeing Vaughn.

He already saw me as Fleur. He knew and finally met me!

But my heart clenched on the idea that he doesn't even know that it was me who stayed by his side during the past few weeks. It breaks my heart when he doesn't even feel the difference...when he won't even recognize that I was the woman he's with months ago.

How I miss eating and chatting with him...

I blew out a deep sigh and just focus my eyes on the screen of the laptop. I'm sorting out Landon's schedule, and even if my rest day today. I want to distract myself. I want to remove Vaughn from my system.

He's not healthy for me... And he's not the one for me... Because in the first place, I'm just a replacement. Being with him was just temporary...

Temporary moments that will permanently engrave in my heart.

Months with him that will be forever remained in my memory... especially in my heart.

A rang from my phone startled me. I looked at the caller and saw that it was mom.

I instantly answered it. "Mom!" I can't help but exclaim. I really miss her...

"Fleur. How are you, honey?" she asked in her soft voice and even if she's hiding the sadness in her voice, I can still able to hear it.

"I'm alright mom... But I'm already missing you." I murmured. I stop my tears from falling. It's my first time to be away from her for this long.

"I-I miss you too, my Fleur. So when will you visit us? Your brother was also asking if you're just doing fine," my mom said. It sent comfort to my heart just by hearing her voice.

"I'm planning to visit you tonight, mom. I'll just wait for Landon—" mom didn't let continue.

"Landon? The guy you met before? Are you dating him?!" mom inquired and she raised her tone at me.

"W-What? Of course not! I'm just friends with him, mom... But I'm staying in his penthouse—" now it was the second time that mom cut me off.

"Y-You're what? I-In his penthouse?! Fleur! I didn't raise you like that! And I told you to avoid him and never get along with that guy anymore!" I can now imagine my mom's face.

Since we move out in the city, mom always reminds me to avoid and stay away from Landon. I don't know why she doesn't like Landon as my friend. And I don't really get it when she told me before that being close to Landon will only make my life complicated... that it will create chaos...

"Mom, Landon was the only friend I have. He's the only man I knew from the city. And why do you always want me to avoid him? I told you he's a nice guy." Just like before. I'm defending Landon again.

"I know that. Landon's family... Um..." Mom can't continue her words! I'm sure it has something to do with her warning every time I'm with Landon before!

"What, mom? Landon's family is what?" I asked carefully. My curiosity was already killing me inside!

I heard mom letting out a heavy sigh. "I'll explain to you later. Take care, Fleur. I'll tell you what you want to know. See you, honey," mom said and ended the call. She didn't even let me say something!

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