Chapter 3

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I DON'T KNOW what time Avi got home last night, but I'm sure it wasn't too late. I was tired from the trip yesterday and just went to my room when Avi left. I didn't even eat dinner because of the exhaustion I felt. 

It's now 6 in the morning and I prepared some breakfast for us. I'm a morning person so I can't help but to do my morning routine. I wanted to ask Avi since I don't know what kind of food does she eat, but she didn't respond on my knock so I just fried bacon, ham and egg. That's the food I saw in the fridge. I hope she'll wake up soon because I'm not use in eating alone.

I guess luck was on my side because I saw that Avi's door opened. She went out of her room while her hair was still messy.

I also noticed that her face was a little wet. I guess she just washed her face.

She stopped on walking when she saw me, then she looked at me with surprised. "Crap! I almost forgot that you're Fleur."

"Oh. Uhm... Breakfast?" I awkwardly asked her. I don't know what to say!

She chuckled, "Freya doesn't cook, and she's not a morning person," she said while she sits down.

I sat in front of her, "What do you mean by she doesn't cook?" I asked then starting to put foods on my plate, she's doing the same thing.

"Because she doesn't know how to," she answered, while she chew her food.

Freya doesn't cook? How about the basics? Does she knows how to fry food? Maybe not because she's a busy woman?

I stopped myself in asking the question I have inside my head. "Oh," the only thing that came out of my mouth.

I felt her staring at me so I look at her, "W-what?"

"You don't drink coffee in the morning?" she curiously asked while staring at the water beside my plate.

"Oh. I don't. I don't like the taste of it. I only drink water or milk in the morning," I honestly told her. I'm not a picky eater, but I just can't stand the taste of coffee. I would like to drink milk rather than coffee. My tongue doesn't like it. I guess my taste buds were kinda weird.

"R-really?" she looks surprised on my answer.

"Yeah." I mumbled.

I heard a laugh from her again, "Freya was obsessed with coffee. I can now tell that you two were really different. She hates milk. She only drinks black coffee and I know she can't stand sweets too," she stated.

Oh god! I like sweets! What will happen to me now? Avoid sweets?! No way!

But wait! She said that she can't stand sweets! She didn't say that she doesn't eat it!

"She eats nothing sweets at all?" I asked and hoping that Avi's answer will give me hope.

"She hates sweets. But I know she can eat dark chocolate," I can't help but to sigh heavily to what Avi said.

How can I eat then?! Gosh! Being Freya would be bad for my tummy!

I think we have too many differences!

"But you know what? The important thing is, I love sweets the way you do!" she smiled. I can't help but to smile also to what she has said.

Freya was lucky to have Avi on her side.

After we ate Avi volunteered to do the dishes and I can't even win against her, so I just let her. I just clean the table and wait for her to finish.

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