"If you don't want my help, then suit yourself in the rain." She snarls, snatching the umbrella from my hand, and walks away with it. I swear her mood swings were going crazy with each passing month.

"Babe, don't walk too fast!" I yelled behind her and in return, she increased her pace, walking quicker.

"Ah, this woman!" I breathe out, annoyed. She never listens to me. "I'll come to see you later, grandpa. Love you! Bye!" I said goodbye to Grandpa and ran behind her. "Babe, slow down, wait for -" I  paused and laughed out when she flipped her middle finger at me.

With pregnancy hormones, she has become twice the trouble she already was.


"Babe, mom asked-" I paused to stare at Alex in confusion.

She was sitting on the bed with one hand in the Nacho tub, another holding her phone while her face was scowling at her stomach. "No." She hissed, looking intently at her protruded belly. "I said no, we don't eat that."

I sighed, pondering whether I should ask her what happened or just leave the room silently before she notices me. Hmmm... what should I do?

Being the good boy, that I am, I chose death -- I mean the former. 

"What did the baby do now?" I finally asked and went to sit beside her. I palmed her big stomach feeling the baby's movements underneath it. 

I can't believe I am actually having a baby and that too with Alex. Who would have thought that my once fake girlfriend would be sitting on my bed with my baby in her belly and ring on her finger?

Life sure is unpredictable.

"I don't think this is my baby." Alex stares at me seriously with a deep frown.

"What?" I choked on my own spit when I heard her. 

"Look at this." She shows me her phone screen. It was some insta feed about cooking mashed potatoes.

"I-It's mashed p-potatoes?" I spoke hesitantly. I don't want her to turn Godzilla on me again.

"It's not just mashed potatoes. It's mashed potatoes with onion and...." She gulps, looking pretty scared. "And... PEAS." Her eyes waters. "The Baby wants to eat peas and I don't eat peas! This is not my baby." 

"Aa..." I was actually speechless. How do you answer that?

Just then her belly gurgled. She glared down at her belly. "Shut it. I am not putting that thing in my mouth." She hissed.

Surprisingly, her stomach gurgled again. It almost sounded like it was arguing back. Alex gasped. "Don't talk back to your mother you piece of peanut. I said no peas means NO PEAS. That's it."

There was a second of silence. Alex smirked at her victory only be gurgled at louder.

I burst out laughing, rolling on our bed. That was so precious. "Oh... god..." I said between laughs. "I... can't breathe."

Alex kicks me off the bed. "Next time you have the baby!" She yells at me before storming out of the room.


"I am so sorry, Alexis. I swear, I will make it up to you." She whispers to herself.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her drama. "It's not a sin, Alex. Relax."

"It is for me. I have hated peas all my life, and just because of this little piece of peanut, I am breaking the promise I made to myself." She dramatically sighs.

I smiled, forcing myself not to roll his eyes. She loses her shit when I do that. "Just eat it."


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