The Soul Stone Series- Semi-Stable Soldiers

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"Life is strange... one minute you're a soldier, next a brainwashed assassin, then a semi-stable soldier assassin running from the law, and now I'm a semi-stable dead soldier." Bucky pondered.

"That- That was crazy- from start to finish." Peter stuttered.

"It seems we're in some sort of alternate reality." Strange noted.

"We have to find a way to escape the realm we're in." Wanda stated, her strawberry blonde hair looking even brighter in the orange light.

"Hey Wizards!" Sam taunted. "Discussing your rejected Hogwarts letter are we?"

Wanda and Strange both turn towards him, the light around Strange's hands seeming a bit more orange, and Wanda's eyes glowing red.

"Sam, if you get murdered in this realm too, I'm not explaining it to Steve." Bucky warned.

"Humans are weird." Mantis said softly.

"Maybe that's why Quill's so messed up!" Drax guffawed.

"Hey!" Quill protests. "What the heck dude?"


So, do you like the soul stone series? I get all my ideas from Pinterest btw.


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