Mama? Daddy?

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(Happening during Age of Ultron. I'm fixing it because I ship Clintasha and yeah. Please ignore that it's impossible for Natasha to have kids.)


"I know a place." Natasha said, glancing at Clint. They nodded, communicating telepathically. She hopped into the pilot seat of the Quinn-Jet and flew us somewhere in upstate New York. It seemed we were about an hour driving distance from the city so we got to our destination quickly. A large piece of property, could even be classified as a farm, landing close to the quaint yellow house.

Natasha pulled out a set of keys from her pocket, and walked up the the front door, unlocking it quickly. Bruce and I shared a look, like, where are we, and what are we doing here? We walked into the living room, where there was a half built lego set and various dolls.

"Mama! Daddy!" Two little kids cried, running into Natasha and Clint's arms. Natasha picked up the little girl who, within her light brown hair had strips of red, causing her hair to radiate an auburn color. The boy, probably two or so years older looked up at Clint with the same blond hair and blue eyes. They fondued!

Tony was the quickest to recover, "Wait, you, what? When did this happen? What? Why didn't you tell us?"

Clint laughs, "This is Cooper," He gestures to the kid standing in front of him. "And Lila." He says, pointing to the little girl buried in Natasha's chest.

"Wait, if you both were with us, who looks after your kids?" Bruce asked and Tony quickly agreed.

"I do." Fury says, walking out of the shadows. "Or Hill does, or Coulson, he used to." He corrects, glancing at Natasha and Clint with an unreadable look. Well, at least to me.

"I have a lot of questions." Tony said and Natasha, Clint, and Fury simultaneously rolled their eyes (Or eye, for Fury) "One, how old is Lila? And Cooper? Because I don't think the time lines up. Two, who looked after your kids when we were dealing with New York? And three, why the hell didn't you tell us you had kids?" Tony said, ticking each question off on his fingers.

"Cooper is six and Lila is four-"

"And a half." Lila piped up.

"Right." Natasha corrects herself. "She's four and a half, so if you can do simple math, Lila was born in 2011 and Cooper in 2009, so we didn't really have contact with any of you at the time.But when we were in New York, our friend Melinda looked after them, and your third question gets a bit harder to answer."

"We didn't tell you about them for security." Clint says. "We are two of the best agents SHIELD has employed, and therefore would make them a target. Especially after all the publicity we got last year with SHIELD falling and all. And if you had asked, we would have told you."

"So, if you guys want to relax, we have a couple of free bedrooms." Natasha offered.

"I have to get back to Asgard." Thor said, and walked out, leaving us in an awkward silence.

"Mama?" Lila asked.

"Hm?" Natasha raised her eyebrows.

"Are you tired?"

"Why are you asking that?"

"You look tired."

"Lila, you know how your Dad and I sometimes get nightmares?" She nods. "Well I had another one so I'm tired."

"Oh." She's quiet for a couple of seconds then her face lights up. "Can we have ice cream?"

Natasha's going to say no. She never has dessert. "Sure, if Uncle Fury didn't already give you a dessert like he usually does." She says and glances at Fury. Hold up, Uncle Fury? And they're not dead? No one calls him anything other than Fury. Weird.

"We had frozen fruit. I don't think that classifies as dessert."

"It doesn't." She agrees and pulls a tub of ice cream out of the freezer. "You guys want any?"

"Sure.." Bruce says and we all echo him. She serves us a bowl and soon there's just the contented sounds of ice cream eating.


I don't know what to say. 👍


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