Peter, Peter, Peter...

348 13 13


"Okay, we've got the time stone with Strange." Dad points to Strange's necklace. "And we know Thanos has the power, space, and reality stones. Vision has the mind stone, which leaves the-"

"Soul stone." Strange supplies.

"What does it look like?" Uncle Bucky asks. "Someone might have seen it."

"Well, it's around great the same size as all the others, but the soul stone is orange."

"So Thanos is trying to get a rainbow rock collection?"

"Pretty much," Quill says. This stone sounds a lot like the one I found on-

"Mr. Dr. Sorcerer Strange?" I ask and Dad rolls his eyes at the name. "Does the stone glow too?" He nods. "Does it also have a rough texture?" He nodded again and by this time, people had heard my questions and turned to me.

"Peter..." Aunt Nat says I pick my phone out of my pocket and scroll through the camera roll for the right photo.

"Does it look like this?" I say, holding out the phone. All the color drains from his face and his eyes widen. "How do you have a picture of that?" He asks, his voice dangerously low. Now everyone is staring at me and I look down at my feet.

"I found it okay?" I say, putting my hands up in defense.

"How?" He demands. "Where'd you find it? Where's it now?"

"Which answer would you like first? The how, the where, or the... where?"

"How." Most people say.

"We really need to get the stone now Stark." Strange says.

"I want to know how my kid ended up with an Infinity Stone," Dad says. "Explain now."

"Okay, so I was swinging around New York, you know, for fun. I wasn't actively seeking out danger-"

"At the time," Dad interjects.

"Not the point," I say and continue with the story. "And I was like, it'd be cool to sit at the top of the Brooklyn bridge, 'cause you know, why not? And I wanted to eat my sandwich." Dad rolls his eyes again. "So at the top, I sit down, but then I noticed a little glowing thing and I panicked, 'cause I thought it was a bomb, but Karen said it didn't have a threat percentage, so I took it home to show to Ned and MJ."

"So where's it now?" Strange demands. I look down at my feet again and clear my throat. "Tell me you didn't lose it."

"Well, it could be in three places," I say. "Either in my desk drawer back in my bedroom, in my backpack, or in my locker at school." I list, ticking them off on my fingers. "I'm pretty sure it's in my backpack though. It's on the plane, I'll go get it." I run off and I grab it off the seat on the plane.

"What if it's not there?" Uncle Bucky asks. "Then what?"

"Well, Thanos doesn't know where it is, so that's a plus, and if it's not in Peter's bag and not in his bedroom, I'm sure Tony could-" Wanda abruptly stops talking and looks at me taking out out the contents of my bag. "That's a lot of textbooks."

"Geez kid, how many textbooks are you carrying?"

"Six," I respond. "Geography, AP physics, European history, AP bio, AP Chem, and AP Spanish, and the oh so lovely, calculus," I say, listing them off.

"Isn't that like all your classes?"

"No, I don't have textbooks for English or PE."

"That's still like-" Steve counts the amount under his breath quickly. "Like nine classes. That's a lot."

"Nice observation," I say sarcastically, taking out my school binder then my decathlon binder. Their mouths drop even farther when I pull out a couple of notebooks.

"How is all of that fitting in your bag?" Sam asks. "It's like Mary Poppins' bag."

"Shuri showed me that movie." Bucky pipes up. "It was really good."

"And you're telling us this, why?" Dad snaps. Guess he still has a bone to pick with Bucky. Well, it makes sense.

"Because I understood that reference!" Dad just scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Steve actually said that on the heli-"

"Aha!" I cry out and pull the stone out of my bag. "I knew it was going to be in here."

"Actually you didn't but-" Steve shuts up when Dad shoots him a death glare.

"Great!" Strange says happily, which isn't saying much. I plop the stone in his hand and he closes his hand tightly around it. We all stand around, looking at Strange for an answer.

"So what do we do?" Uncle Rhodey says.

"Does anyone have the power to destroy one of these stones?" We all paused for a second and all turn to Wanda.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Because you got your powers from the mind stone." Aunt Nat says. "You're easily the most powerful person here."

"Thor is a god!" She exclaims.

"Lightning can't solve all problems."

"What can't lightning destroy?" T'Challa asks.

"Your evil older sister who happens to be the goddess of death," Thor says and we all stare at him.

"That was oddly specific..."


Just wondering, who's your OTP?


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