Fury's calling...

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(Phil Coulson and Melinda May's reactions to Natasha's death. I know its not cannon that they're this close, but just humor me. In May's phone, she had Natasha in her favorites, listed as 'Nat'. Natasha seemed to take Coulson's death quite hard, and its fanon that Coulson was Clint's SO, so therefore they would have to know each other, because Clint and Natasha are very close. I know the timeline's don't line up at all, but just imagine that this is happening during early season 3 of AOS.)


"So, basically we'll wann-" Coulson was cut of by my phone ringing.

"It's Fury." I say, recognizing the ringtone. "Hello." I greet, picking up the phone.

"Hello Melinda." He never calls me Melinda unless its serious. "Is anyone else listening to this?"

"Only Coulson."

"That's fine. Melinda, Natasha's, well," He chokes over his words. "She's gone."

"She's what?"

"Please don't make me say it again." He begs. "I'm sorry." His voice breaks and I know he's crying. They were close. I think. "Bye." He says quickly and hangs up. Coulson stumbles backwards and falls onto his chair in shock. Or is sadnesss, I'm not really sure which.

Tears slip down my face, and I honestly can't remember the last time I cried. She was practically Phil's kid, along with Clint. Oh Clint. I can't imagine what he's feeling. Natasha was his non-biological sister. I wipe the tears away, and storm out of the room.

The training room is empty, thank god. I quickly wrap my hands up with the ace bandages and start taking all my anger out on the bag. I don't really know what I'm doing, or what Phil is doing, or anything. I'm just mad. Very pissed off at everything.

"May?" Bobbi asks, peeking her head into the training room.

"What?" I snarl.

"You're acting like you did when Tripp died. Is something wrong?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because when I asked Coulson that same question and he gave me the exact same answer. It sounded like he was crying. Maybe you should check in on him?"

"He's fine. He needs to be alone."

"So did something happen?"

"Nothing happened Bobbi! So drop it!" I yell, and she holds her hands up in surrender.

"Okay, but if you want to talk, I'm here." She says and turns to leave the room.

"Agent Romanoff is dead." I blurt out and she whirls around.

"What? Natasha?" She asks, and I nod, ever so slowly. "You know what Coulson and Natasha's relationship was like."

"Yeah. Thanks for telling me." She says and storms out.

I wait a couple of seconds before stalking off to my room. There's absolutely nothing personal in there, just blank walls, and a small bookshelf with a couple of books on it. Theres a digital clock on the nightstand, next to a glass of water, and a knife. Why are you upset? I ask myself.


Why do I come up with this sort of stuff? I dunno, but in case you can't tell, I suck at figuring out how to end a chapter.


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