S.H.I.E.L.D. Handbook- Rule Number 26

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You never address the Black Widow as Tasha or Nat. Only Agent Barton is cleared to call her those, and the relationship between them is not something you should discuss about, unless you want to end up dead. They are two of the most dangerous agents S.H.I.E.L.D. has employed and everyone should be cautioned around them, and that includes you Stark. No one cares that you're a billionaire, we just care that you're egotistical and a rumor-spreader.

(A/N: so, I was going to write something about there being a second Civil War with the teenagers of the MCU but with everything going on in the US currently, I use didn't want to think of another civil war or anything involving something that might be considered a terrorist attack. Ugh.)


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