My Star

217 8 13

(Part 2 to My Darling)


It's been three days. Three days since Natasha's surgery, and three days since she'd slipped into a coma. The doctors were pretty sure it wasn't going to last much longer, but you never know. I wake up to the sound of crying, as I have for the past couple of days and I cradle her softly in my arms.

"Go back to sleep," I whisper. "Your dad wants to sleep." She continues to cry as I rock her to sleep. Slowly, she stops crying and I fall asleep sitting up, with my daughter in my arms.

"Bucky," Sam says. "You have to go home."

"No," I say. "I have to stay."

"Buck, you need some sleep. I'll drive you home." Steve says.

"I'll sleep here," I say, pointing to the armchair in the corner of the room. Sam and Steve share a look then practically glare at me.

"It's not good for your back," Sam says. "Bucky, you need to get a good night's sleep. Steve will drive you home, I'll stay with Natasha. I'll text you if anything comes up okay?"

"Not okay." I bargain. "I'm staying here with Nat."

"It was less of a question and more of a statement," Sam takes a deep breath. "Don't be so stubborn Bucky. You need sleep."

"C'mon," Steve says, helping me up. "You got about an hour of sleep in the last 20 hours."

"Fine," I say, leaning onto his shoulder. "But I'm coming back in a couple of hours."

Sam and Steve share a look. "Sure." Steve says, "But let's get some sleep now."

I slowly awake, remembering the memory from a couple of days ago. "Good morning Bucky," Clint says, entering the room and sitting down on the bed. "I made pancakes. I assume you want some?"

"Yeah," I say groggily. Suddenly, my brain registers that nothing is in my arms and I snap up. "Where's-"

"She's fine," Clint says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "She was awake. Not crying, but awake, so I took her, and she ended up falling back to sleep in the living room."

"Oh," I say, getting up and running my fingers through my hair. "Okay."

"C'mon," Clint says, grabbing my arm and leading me into the dining room. "Food's getting cold." We sit in silence, eating our pancakes and I know Clint knows I'm avoiding the obvious question.

"Yes, I'm going to visit Nat today." I say, "And I want to go alone." Clint raises his eyebrows. "Just for a little bit," I say and he nods.

"Okay," Clint says, and hugs me. "It's going to be okay." He says. I get the feeling that he's not just comforting me, he's also comforting himself. "I'll meet you at the hospital later."

"Got it," I say as I walk over to my daughter and kiss her on the forehead. "Bye Clint."

"Bye Bucky." He says and I close the front door behind me. I slid into the seat and started up the car.

"Clint, what should I do?" I ask as he rubs my back. "We don't really have anything for the baby. All we've got is a not yet assembled crib."

"Pepper and Wanda volunteered to go and get the baby some stuff. I think Laura tagged along to give some advice on what to get. Things are going to be okay." He says and I nod.

"Mmkay. When I see them I'll thank them."

"When you get home, everything will be set up for the baby." Clint kept his word. When I got back from the hospital, the small room had newly painted walls, a white crib, a changing table, and a chair in the corner.

I pulled up to the hospital and took the elevator up to Natasha's room. I carefully opened the door, as if someone was sleeping, but that was stupid, she's in a coma, she can't hear me. She looked the same as she did when I left her yesterday. I change the water in the flowers that are sitting in the corner of the room, which is one of the only colors in the room, in addition to Natasha's hair.

I pulled up one of the chairs next to her bed. I grasped her hand in mine and pressed my lips to the back of her hand. "Please wake up star. Natalia, I need you."

"James?" She whispered and my eyes bugged out.

"You're awake?" I ask. "How are you feeling?"

"My stomach hurts and- wait! Is the baby okay? What happened?" She asks and I place my hands on her shoulders.

"Our daughter is fine. Clint volunteered to watch her for a bit while I came here to check on you."

"Check on me?" She asks. "What do you mean?"

"Tals, you've been in a coma for three days," I say gently and her jaw drops. "What's the last thing you remember?" I ask.

"Um, pain, like someone was stabbing my insides. And blood."

"Where were we?" I question.

"Um, the car? I think. We were still on the highway." She says.

"Okay." I take a deep breath. "Well, you were crying about the pain, then you stopped, because you passed out, and I drove the rest of the way to the hospital, freaking out because you know, I was worried. They immediately took you in for surgery. The surgery went well and our daughter was okay, but she was in the NICU for a little more than a couple of hours. Steve and Sam made me go home, and of course, I had no idea how to take care of a newborn baby so Laura and Clint stayed over for a couple of days to help me get everything figured out-"

"Wait," she says, holding up her hand. "We didn't even have a changing table or many clothes or diapers, or really anything besides a crib. That wasn't put together." She adds.

"Yeah, that's part of what Clint and Laura were helping me with. Speaking of them," I say as Clint walks in through the door.

"Hey, Nat." He says quietly, carrying the baby carrier. "How're you feeling?" He asks.

"I'm okay." She says quickly. "Is that-" she sits up quickly and winces and I put a hand on her shoulder. Clint unbuckles her from the seat and carefully hands the baby to Nat. My daughter, our daughter, I correct myself, is wearing the onesie that Pepper and Wanda picked out for her.

"Hi..." Nat says quietly and Clint disappears out of the room, giving them some space, which I'm thankful for. "Hello малышка." (Baby girl) Natasha stares at our daughter for a little bit, holding onto her tiny hand. I smile seeing my two girls together, and Nat turns to look at me, tears dripping down her face.

I kiss her tears away and smile, "So what'd you name her?" She asks.

"Meet your daughter," I say. "Meet your daughter Alina."


I wasn't sure about the name choice, do you like it? I was trying to go with something Russian. It was between Alina and Marina. Both of them sound okay in English and Russian so, 🤷‍♀️. Also, you can probably tell that I like WinterWidow too. Not that Clintasha is bad, its just something diffferent.


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