Get a room

315 11 1

(Stucky, Clintasha, and IronStrange)


I headed down to the training room, planning to lift some weights and do a little treadmill running. I pushed the door open, and there was something I definitely didn't need to see. Aunt Tasha and Uncle Clint were very passionately making out in the training room. I just stand there, mouth agape, until Aunt Tasha notices me out if the corner of her eye and pushes Clint away from her.

"You didn't see anything." Aunt Tasha says.

"I didn't see anything." I agree, covering my eyes. "You guys are- ew- agh- I did not need to see that." I back out of the room, both of them blushing furiously. "Get a room." I advise.

"This was a room before you came in." Clint says.

"Peter's saying to chose a room where someone won't walk into. Especially an unsuspecting child." Nat turns to him.

"Unsuspecting wHaT?" I ask.

"Now if you'll excuse us Peter, we'll take your advice and get a room." Clint says, pulling Tasha out the door. They obviously thought they were out of earshot, but because of my super hearing, I heard everything.

"That was awkward."


"Well, at least when we're in your room, we can do whatever we want." He says seductively and I know my face is bright red.

"You know I have superhearing right?" I call after them and they both laugh loudly, running away.

I do my workout routine, a couple of weight lifting reps, some treadmill running, then more than a couple laps in the pool. I head back upstairs and there's a sight in the living room I didn't expect to see.

"Again really?" I ask, sighing. "Parker luck I guess." I say, walking out and into the kitchen.

"Oh my god!" I yell as I see my both of my dads kissing. They pull apart and turn to look at me. "Is it 'walk in on everyone kissing' day? First Clint and Nat, then Bucky and Steve, then you two? Is this some sort of prank?" I yell, using unnecessary hand movements. "Who's it going to be next? Bruce and Thor? Or how about Vision and Wanda? This is getting to be an unnecessary amount of kissing!" I hear Bucky and Steve cackle when I mention them.

"Mr Parker, I believe I should inform you that it is valentines day." FRIDAY says.

"Yippee skippee!" I say sarcastically. "Just get a room and you won't be traumatizing an innocent child!" I yell. "You know what? I'll go in my room, and when all of you come to your senses and stop kissing or get a room, I'll come out!"

"Are you gay?"

"Wha- no, not like that!"


I really really like Clintasha ma friends


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