Thanos and the Agents of SHIELD- part 4

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As the years went by, people moved on. Our group met less frequently as I directed the only organization that dealt with world threats.

Lizzie grew up and we grew apart. I still occasionally talk with Davis and Piper at work, but they've got new priorities. We opened up a SHIELD academy for all new recruits and Davis is the head combat teacher. Piper tags along, taking some out for her new team, just like Coulson did with us.

Natasha and I met up more frequently. It took a lot of convincing for her to come back to SHIELD, just to see how much it had grown. Not to rejoin as a part time agent right? Well, before the Avengers, SHIELD was her home, just like SHIELD was mine. So she almost had no choice but to join as my right hand woman, just like Hill was Fury's and May was Coulson's.

She and I lived at the compound sometimes and other times it was a small apartment walking distance from the Triskellion. Rhodey came over for dinner when possible but he was usually in California, reporting to me about SHIELD business happening there. All around the world, we built up SHIELD, discussed international matters with other countries, and setting up bases.

Somehow, Hydra was still active, but we crushed the last head a couple years back, restoring peace for about a minute before more problems arose that required my attention. Natasha and Rhodey were occasionally invited over for dinner at Tony's, and I enjoyed seeing some of their team get back together. Maybe there's some hope for the Avengers initiative in the future.

Banner has a kids science show now. His show is shown in schools around the US, and I believe some episodes have been translated into French, Spanish, and Mandarin, just like Bill Nye's were. SHIELD's been quieter the past couple of years, as there's not too many threats out there. We'll occasionally even take normal police murder cases because we have better resources and nothing else to do.

Nobody's fully gotten over what happened. I miss my dysfunctional SHIELD family every day. Natasha misses her adoptive family too, but at least we have each other. No where really feels like home, though. Not the compound, not Davis's. I never really had a home, with foster families and all. Even SHIELD doesn't feel like home. I guess home isn't really a place. It's the people you share it with.

The call came from the compound on a Wednesday morning, and Natasha says ten words I've only heard in my fantasies. "I think we've found a way to bring them back."

"What?" I ask incredulously. "Do you mean the blip?"

"Yeah." She breathes. "I know you're going to ask how and if you can help."

"Yup." I agree.

"Apparently time travel is possible, and no, I don't think we need your help, but I'll call you if we do." She says bluntly.

"Time travel?" I ask. "So your plan to save the planet is based off of-"

"Back to the future?" She suggests.

"Well, I was thinking Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, but yeah, Back to the Future would work too."

"Oh wow, I guess a ten year age difference can really change what we reference to."

"Remember to call me if you need help. I might call when you have more details too." I add and I know she's nodding.

"I'll call you if we get more details." She says and says goodbye.

I might see Coulson, May, Jemma, Fitz, Yo-Yo, Mack, maybe even Bobbi again! This is amazing! Don't get your hopes up. I tell myself. It might not work. But I might see my family again. I smile as I fall asleep that night.

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