Thanos and the Agents of SHIELD- Part 6

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(Last part!)


The power of the stones surged through me like electricity and my vision blurred. Flashes of my past danced around my brain. When those mean teenage boys at my orphanage shoved me into the river in the middle of winter, when I went through terragenisis. My last conversation with Lincoln filled my ears as I watched Coulson dust away. And my most recent cause of grief, only a couple of hours earlier.

"There was a price..." His words echoed in my head.

"The first time I told you I loved you."

"There's nothing wrong with the data in my head Skye. There's something wrong with you."

"I always believed I endured all that torture and pain was for you, that you were my true gift. But you're not. This is." I felt like all the life was being sucked out of me all over again. "You made your choice. I'm sorry." No, you're not. I thought. You're not sorry.

The memories stopped flooding through my brain and I almost fainted. Maybe it was because of my physical strength or maybe it was the amount of trauma I've witnessed because Wanda was gasping for breath on the floor while the Peter boy was completely zoned out for a couple of seconds before rushing over to where Steve, Rhodey, Carol and Pepper were gathered around Tony, who was lying on the floor.

"Are you okay Mr. Stark?" Peter asked and I caught a small noise coming from him, but I couldn't tell what he was saying.

"Hey, Wanda?" I ask, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She spins around and her fingers and eyes are glowing red, and I hold my hands up in surrender.

"Oh, it's just you." She says and I offer my hand out, which she accepts and I help her up.

"You okay?" I ask again and she nods.

"Yeah, I just, saw some stuff."

"Memories you didn't really want to remember?" I ask and she nods again. "Yeah me too. I wonder if everyone saw their most traumatic memories." I ponder.

"I saw my brother die." She blurts out and I turn to her. "It felt so real. Like I was there again." She admits. I motion for her to keep talking and she continues. "I saw my building get bombed again, then Pietro, then Lagos, and Vision..." She trails off. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this, I learned your name like three hours ago."

"It's fine," I say.

"What'd you see?"

I take a deep breath. "It wasn't as much seeing, it was more like I was reliving it. When I went through terragenisis, when my boyfriend died, when my mom tried to kill me..."

"Your mom tried to kill you?" She asks incredulously.

"Well, she tried to suck all the life out of me so she could have it for herself."

"God, that's horrible." She says and I look awkwardly down at my feet.

"Yup." There's a bit of awkward silence before she clears her throat.

"I'm going to go check on Tony."

"Okay," I say, both of us getting up. I scan the crowd of people for anyone on my team and my eyes fall on the very person I was looking so forward to seeing.

"Daisy!" He cries out and I hug him tightly. "Is something wrong?" He asks.

"No," I whisper. "I've just missed you."

"Daisy?" May asks as I wrap my arms around her too.

"You're back!" I cry out, releasing "You're all back!" I say, looking at the whole team.

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