How do you manage your kids? I don't

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"So Morgan," I say, giving her a nerf gun. "What we're going to do, is you're going to call out for your dad, and when he turns the corner, Shuri, Cassie, Harley, you, and I are all going to shoot him with our nerf guns.

"Why can't I have a big one like you and Shuri?" She asks, pointing to the large toy in Shuri's hands.

"Morgan," Cassie says, "These guns are really, really big and heavy. I know you're strong but I don't think you could hold it enough to shoot it." She explains, kneeling down so she's at Morgan's eye level. "It's almost as big as you are." She chuckles.

"Oh kayyyy." She says.

"But you can use the Black Widow gauntlets!" Harley says, giving her the nerf guns. (A/N yes they make them. Yes I have them. Yes, they're really cool. No, I'm not a little kid. I don't care what you think, they're cool.)

"Okay!" She says happily and Shuri and I help her get them on.

"So Morgan, can you yell out really loudly for your dad? We need him to come for our plan to work." I say and she nods.

"Dad!" She screams and we all clap our hands over our ears. "Daddy! Can you come over here? Dad it's an emergency!" She yells and looks up at us for confirmation.

"That was really good!" Cassie praises quietly and we all hear the thundering footsteps of Tony.

"What's the emergency?!" He demands, "Where are you, Morgan?"

"Over here!" She calls out and he rounds the corner. All five of us pelt him with the darts and he immediately starts running away when he sees all of us holding our guns. We sprint after him, his shrieks signaling that our darts are finding our target.

"Steeb!" He yells out. "Pepper! Bruce! Someone help me!"

Pepper takes one glance at us before slowly turning away, making the smart decision. Tony sprints down to the lobby, which is actually a good idea, there will be more people there, making it harder for us to aim for him.

"All of you!" He yells. "Stop it or else we won't have pizza for dinner tonight! It'll be all vegetables!" We all immediately stop and give him angel eyes. "Pick up these darts now!" He demands and there's scrambling to pick up all the darts. "Don't shoot me again." He demands and gives us a serious face. "Shoot Bucky instead." He says, pointing to him.

"No." Bucky says and pulls a nerf pistol out of his belt and shoots a dart at Tony's forehead. "Get T'Challa." He suggests. "I know for a fact he isn't expecting it."

We charge up the stairs and but Tony stays behind. "How do you manage all of these kids?" I hear Rhodey ask.

"I don't."


Yay! IronDad!


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