Thanos and the agents of SHIELD -part 5

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(So, this is the second to last part, but since it's got so long, after I post the sixth part, the chapters will all be put in their own book. Just so it's easier for other people to read it cause they'll all be close to each other so people don't have to scroll to find all the chapters)


I'm not able to control the tears falling down my face as I sob into my hands. Suddenly, a portal of some sort opens in my office. A piece of paper floats down at my feet and I pick it up. Director Johnson: This is Doctor Strange, and the Avengers need our help. Trust me. It says. I cautiously step though it and find myself emerging in a large battle.

Avengers vs Thanos, who will win? My inner sports announcer says. On my left and right, I find many vanished people very much alive. Wanda Maximoff falls on my right and I glance over at her.

"Probably not the right time to introduce myself." I say, holding out my hand. "I'm Daisy Johnson."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Wanda." She says and I still detect a small Sokovian accent in her voice.

Thousands of other people flood in through all these portals and I've never understood why villains don't attack while the heroes are still assembling. It's not very strategic at all. While people still emerge from the portals a giant person emerges from the ground and out of their hand jumps a couple of people but I can only make out Dr Banner.

Coulson. My brain says. Where's Coulson and the rest of the team? I scan the crowd of people coming in through the Wakanda portal. It should be easy to find him. And the team too. Yet I can't see them.

The whole scene is amazing. Everyone is coming in and Thanos and his team are just standing there, staring. Whether it be from amazement or shock, I'll never know. In the middle of the two sides Thor's hammer slowly lifts itself up and comes hurling towards, not Thor, but the one and only Captain Steve Rogers.

"Avengers..." I hear him say. "Assemble." We all charge forward and Thanos orders his forces to do so themselves. Luckily, I'm wearing my gauntlets because because I'm surely going to need all the help I can get. I quake an alien away into another alien and both fall back, tripping another alien.

These creatures aren't very smart. I think as I blast another one away. Various lightning bolts strike in the distance, Probably Thor. I don't know if anyone else can do something like that. I tune the earpiece I alway keep in to the right frequency.

"They're right on my tail!" Agent Barton yells.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"I'm heading towards that ditch!" He yells and I scan the horizon for a ditch. I see Stark fly down and disappear. That must be it. I think and use my quaking powers to shoot me over there. Along the way, I see Barton pursued by many of those creatures, and I blast them away.

"You've got powers." He says, more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah." I say as we drop down into the ditch. "So what's the plan?" I ask Stark who has a thirteen year-old boy with octopus arms coming out of his back.

"We need to get the stones out of here as soon as possible."

"How do we do that?" A familiar British accent asks. Jemma! I want to scream out and hug her but I hold myself back. I'll wait until this is all over. I've waited five years, another couple of hours won't hurt.

"We had another quantum tunnel." Someone reminds and pulls out a set of car keys, and a horn rings in the distance.

"The ugly brown van..." Someone says, nodding her head in understanding. "Speaking of which, did you ever get those quantum particles?"

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