Peter Parker's Fun Filled Field Trip

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One note before we start. It's post Civil War, but instead of the avengers fighting each other, they fought the government. Good? Good. Let's begin.


"Students!" Mr Grace announced. "I have a wonderful announcement!" His perky voice caused a couple of teenagers to look up. "We are going on a field trip to Stark Industries!"

The entire class's eyes widen and Flash crows, "Ha! We'll finally know Penis Parker was lying!"

"Mr Thompson!" Mr Grace scolds. "His name is Peter. I do not tolerate name calling in my class, do you understand?"

Thank you. I internally thanked him.

"Yessir." Flash says, looking down.

"Good. As I was saying, we'll be going on Wednesday, so make sure you get the permission slip in on Monday. And have a good weekend!" He says, pushing up his rectangular glasses. "Mr Parker, can I talk to you for a second?" I nod my head and walk up to his desk while everyone rushes out the door.

"Mr Parker, about the rumors-"

"The internship is real." I say quickly.

"I believe you." He says, holding his hand up. "I've never heard of them accepting high schoolers but that they don't. I don't know everything. But I hope I'm not making a mistake trusting you."

"You're not." I assure him.

"Good! Why don't you take one?" He says, gesturing to the jar of jolly ranchers on his desk.


"Yeah, you've been doing really good in class recently."

"Thanks!" I say, plucking one off the top.

"Blue." He says, gesturing to the candy in my hand. "Good choice. Have a good weekend Mr Parker."

"You too sir." I say, exiting the classroom.

I get in the backseat of Happy's car and throw my bag across the seat. "You okay kid?" He asks, looking in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah." I say, putting in my earbuds, listening to my playlist. Before I know it, we've reached the tower.

"Hey Kid!" Tony greets.

"Hey Dad!" I say cheerfully. "I'm gonna do my homework."

"Good idea."

-Time - Skip - Wednesday-

"Good morning!" Mr Grace greets.

"Good morning." We all echo.

"Everyone here?" He does a quick role call. We board the bus, and of course, I sit next to Ned.

"Dude this is awesome!" He said. "Do you think we'll meet the Avengers?"

"You've met them before Ned." I say, "Remember?"

"Yeah, that was one of the best days of my life, but I really only see Dr Banner now."

"That's because you work with him, Loser." A voice says behind us.

"Nice to see you too MJ." I say.

"And speaking for the whole class, they're really looking forward to the Avengers."

"Even you?" Ned asks.

"Well, I see all of them, but only really work with Pepper really, but it'll be cool to see it from the tour guides point of view, not mine." MJ says, barely looking up from her book.

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