Identity Reveals and Farm Houses

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(Post-FFH. Clint doesn't have kids, and lives in upstate New York with Lucky and Kate. I looked up how old Kate was and couldn't find an answer, so in this, I'm just going with she's a bit older than Peter so she's almost 18. Tony and Natasha are dead, but Steve isn't old. Peter hates Steve for what he did in the end of Civil War.)


"Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker!" Beck said and the news guy came back on.

"Well there you have it folks-" I tuned him out, my breathing shallow. I have to get out of here. Anywhere but here. I think, unconsciously swinging off towards the compound.

"No," I whisper, "Rogers will be there." Where do I go? I can't go home, everyone will be expecting me to go there, and I might put May in danger. I can't go to Ned or MJ's either. I have no where to go. No friends left. I guess I could go to the compound to talk to Happy, or Pepper and Morgan's house, I have options. But I don't want to be a burden on Pepper. She has enough to deal with already. Happy might not even be at the compound. What about Kate? And Clint? They always said I was welcome there. I think, changing my path from the compound to their farmhouse.

As the trees thin out, I duck away from the road and change into my science t-shirt and baggy jeans, stuffing the suit into my bag. I'm close. I'll let them know I'm coming. I dial Clint's number, and it goes straight to voicemail.

"Hey Clint? I don't know if you've seen the news yet, but," I take a deep breath, "My identity has been revealed, and I don't know where else I could go. If its not to much trouble, maybe I could stay for a couple of hours? If that's a problem its fine, I'll figure out somewhere else to go. I'm almost at your house, I'm sorry its not that much warning, but I really don't know what to do." I say and hang up. Luckily, they don't live on a too busy road so almost no cars drive by me.

I wander up to Clint's door, and I'm about to knock on it, but my hand hovers. Should I really do this? Too late to turn back. I knock on the door and it almost immediately flies open.

"Peter!" Clint cries. "I just got your voicemail, come in!" He says, ushering me inside. I sit down on the couch and Lucky barks at me, all happy because he's a dog, he doesn't have to worry about anything.

We're all silent for a bit, all sitting on the couch. "What do I do?" I choked out, tears dripping down my face.

"Hey, Pete, it's okay," Clint says, pulling me into a hug. "I'll call the Avengers, we can explain the situation, see if theres anything we can do, and if there's not, you can stay at the compound with Wanda, Sam, Bucky, you know, them, or you could stay here with Kate and I..." He trails off, "Peter, there's options with this, okay?" I nod. "I'll call your aunt okay? Tell her you're okay." I nod again.

"Hey May." He says, "There's no doubt you haven't seen the news-" He's cut off by May talking in the other end of the phone. "Yeah, Peter's here. He's okay, just shaken up. He didn't want to go back to his apartment because he didn't want to put you in danger, which was a smart decision, and I-" May cuts him off again. "No, it's no problem at all! Kate and I love Peter. May, it's totally your choice, and Peter's too, but he can stay here for a bit, wait for the press to die down a bit, then go back to the city. We've got a spare room, and I could swing by and pick up some of his clothes and other stuff, but it's your choice may." He's silent for a bit, and she's probably talking on the other end.

"Yeah, I'll check with Peter." He pulls the phone away from his mouth and turns to me. "Hey Pete, do you wanna stay here for a week or so?" I nod for the third time, unable to form words. "He wants to stay here." He translates. He nods his head while May talks. "Sure, here's Peter." He passes me the phone.

"Hey May." I stutter.

"Peter!" She sounds relieved. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just, I dunno, I just," I run my other hand through my hair, one of my nervous habits. "I wanted to be the one to tell the world, and I didn't want to tell them anytime soon, if ever."

"It's okay Peter. You'll be okay with Clint for a bit?"

"Yeah." I breathe.

"Okay, I larb you Peter!" She says and that makes me chuckle.

"I larb you too." I say and hang up, handing the phone back to Clint. I put my head in my hands and laugh-sob. "What am I going to do?"

"Hey, Peter, it's going to be okay." Kate coaxes, pulling me into a hug.


Oh, look, I posted about Peter, not Natasha for once. Anyways, I just watched the third episode of WandaVision. It's starting to get a bit creepy. 10/10 would watch again. Probably because I've already watched it again. Whatev


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