Thanos and the Agents of SHIELD- Part 2

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(I just wanna say, in this, Daisy looks like season 6 because yea. She's so hot then. With the purple hair? Ahhh, my [probably bisexual] heart can't handle it. But also, when Lincoln died she didn't go and run away. She basically was mute for a little bit while she was grieving. Also, when Coulson went onto the planet where Jemma was stuck, Daisy came along. Jemma is her adopted sister, it kinda makes sense to me.)


"Ha!" Daisy laughs. "That's funny."

"Yeah, Clint can be such a klutz. Especially when he doesn't have his hearing aids in." I agree.

Suddenly, the room started shaking. "It's not me!" Daisy said quickly.

"I didn't blame you." I say, both of us running outside, Steve tailing us a couple of steps behind us.

A large ship came sailing in, landing on the lawn. The doors open, revealing a clearly malnourished Tony and a blue alien. Steve helps Tony out, and Pepper immediately engulfed her fiancé in a hug.

"Thank you Carol." I say, walking over to her.

"You're welcome," She says smiling, "I'm glad I could help." Daisy and I lead her inside, so we could discuss our next move.

"We've never seen cosmic proportions like this before." Rocket says. "Until two days ago, on this planet." He gestured to the screen.

"He used the stones again." Daisy observes.

"So let's get him." Carol says. "And use them to bring everyone back."


"Alright, who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asks. I put my hand up along with Steve and Rhodey.

"You've been to space?" I ask Daisy.

"Unfortunately, I have. It's a long story." I nod my head, as we prepare for the jump.


"It's been three months since Thanos, Daisy. We can't just keep hoping they'll just randomly appear. Daisy, I don't want S.H.I.E.L.D. to fall again, and I don't think you want it to either."

"What's the point? There's no one to direct it."

"No, I think I know who could."

"Who, you?" She asks.

"Me? I'm flattered, but I was thinking of you."

"Me?" She says, sounding like I just did. "Why me? I'm no good."

"For starters, that's a lie, you're amazing, and secondarily, I think you could be a great director. We could send out an email, see who wants to continue with S.H.I.E.L.D., and see if anyone thinks they could rival your abilities."

"But I'm dangerous!"

I smile softly. "I'm dangerous too. Does this look like the face of someone who's dangerous?"

"But I've killed people!" She says, avoiding my question.

"Daisy Johnson. I am an ex-KGB assassin. I've killed more people than I'd like to admit. Daisy, we've all killed people. Whether it be by accident or on purpose, those lives aren't coming back. Thanos killed trillions of people in one second. And unfortunately, our friends were caught in that. You want to make him proud don't you? Honor his memory by directing S.H.I.E.L.D."

"He did say once that I'd make a good director." She admitted.

"Good!" I pause. "Does that mean you'll do it?"

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