"You all have to go throw three rounds. The first round will be in which you have to cook a soup with a side dish. In the second round, you have to cook the main course and in the third and final round, you have to cook a dessert. Each round will be thirty-five minutes. Not a single second more be granted if you fail to complete your dish by second you will automatically get eliminated" he said in his loud voice, making all the contestants mumble to each other. My eyes widen after listening to time limits. 

Only thirty-five minutes. Are they kidding? It's so less! 

"Silence," he said in his loud voice making everyone shut up. "Time of each round is less because we judge how you can give your best under pressure. After each round panel of judges will test your food and marks will be given on presentation, taste, and talent of creativity. Am I clear " he said in his loud voice making everyone say yes. I was feeling like I was in a military camp after listening to his words. A cold chill passed into my body at the thought of not completing the dish in a given time. 

This competition was not as easy as I thought. 

I bit my lower lip thinking what will impress the judging panel. I involuntarily moved my eyes to look at the judging panel and my blood ran cold as a chill passed to my whole body when I found him looking at me with his blazing eyes. From the look on his face, I knew he had already recognized me. He moved his gray eyes all over my face passing another cold chill to my body. I swallowed hard as he smirked looking at my scared face. I don't think he will even let me pass the first round. 

God, already I have the pressure of competition and now I have to leave in fear of getting eliminated in the middle. 

Stop overthinking Sage and give your best. Apply all the knowledge, all the things you learned in Kings. After all, you have learned from the best and it's your dad. My dad is not an easy person in the kitchen. You have to leave all the relations out of the door if you want to learn from him. If I was able to impress dad then I can impress the judging panel too. Suddenly all the thoughts of running away vanished from my brain. 

I have to do my best. I won't let him kick me out just like that. Even if I don't get the job I have to get the prize money. Sage brace yourself and get ready to win you can't let it go from your hand just like that. 

"Get ready guys pantry is over there and your time starter now," he said in his loud manly voice while gesturing at the pantry. His words made all the contents rush over the pantry to get their things to start cocking. I ran and got all the things I needed for the first round. Taking time into consideration I have to make some which taste good also and Are made in less time so I can see some time on presentation. I got mushrooms and chicken stock with green beans. 

I'm going to make mushroom soup in chicken stock and garlic butter green beans as a side dish. It's healthy and tastes good too. I started making it. First I started cutting mushrooms while keeping a pot on the flame. I put all the spices in clothing as I wanted their flavor in the soup. I added chicken stock and clothed spice in the soup. 

"Don't forget to keep your eyes on the clock," he said, making me look at the clock. Ten minutes have passed already and I need to increase my pace. I felt his eyes on me but I didn't lift my eyes to look at him as I don't have time to waste. 

I cut the beans and then washed them so they don't lose their crunchiness. I tossed them with garlic and butter and with some herbs. As I was doing it my soup simmered I added washed mushroom in it and covered it. I looked at the clock and twenty minutes we're passed. Why this block is running so fast. All the people around me were still running to the pantry to get something. As my beans were done I placed them in the dish. I garnished it with little grated parmesan cheese. My soups were also almost done. I removed the spice from it and let it simmered for a few minutes as I took the bowl to plate it. I tasted it as it was simple with a touch of spice. I looked at the clock and only five minutes were remaining. I did everything fast. I was garnishing the soup with mint leaves when I heard the voice. 

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