Chapter 81

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"It doesn't concern me" 

Saying those words he disappeared leaving me like that behind. I wiped my eyes and face with the back of my hand still sobbing slowly while doing it. I straightened my clothes and walked out of the pantry with my weak legs. I held the basket in my hand which had things James asked me for. The rest of the day went in complete silence as I found myself lost in my thoughts. I just couldn't understand what his action meant. I couldn't understand even a bit what was in his mind because after kissing me senseless. He went back to ignoring me. He worked in the kitchen as if I didn't exist. Even the next day he was the same and my heart hurt even very badly. He was behaving like I didn't exist in his life. Maybe this was an answer for me. He doesn't want me in his life. It was high time to realise that he doesn't want me anymore. So I made myself busy with my work. I reached home exhausted physically and mentally. It's been three straight days that I don't exist for him. Slowly everything started to feel meaningless to me. 

"You are back from work," dad said in his delightful voice as he saw me walking through the front door. He was playing with Mint and Mint liked him so much because he was getting a daily two-time walk nowadays. 

"Yea dad," I said with a smile on my face. The only thing these days that makes me happy is coming home to see my dad's delighted face. Maybe this is what I need. Go back to the people in my family who love me unconditionally. I kept my bag on the couch and settled down beside him. 

"How was your day?" Dad asked me as he stood up to get some water bottles from me from the fridge. 

"It was great" I lied and threw my teeth with a fake smile on my face. I took the bottle from his hand and gulped the cold water.  It somehow calmed me from inside. But I need something more. I have been feeling so low and lonely. I don't know how to make it go away but I can make these feelings go away for a few minutes. I kept the bottle aside and hugged my dad. 

"I love you," I said while snuggling and he wrapped his hands around me. 

"I love you too," he said, embracing me more in his warm arms. I felt so secure and wanted in his arms. 

"I missed this so much," I murmured under my breath. 

"Me too," dad said as he still kept hugging me. Only a few days remain for this month to end, so do my job too. After that, I had nothing left to do in this big city but empty hope that I knew could never be fulfilled. I took a deep breath before opening my mouth. 

"Dad, I think I should return home now," I said in my small voice while looking up. His eyes widened and a smile formed on his face. 

"Are you serious?" he asked, still wanting to conform to my words. I breathed out audibly before nodding my head. 

"I think we have gathered enough money to pay back our debt and the small remaining amount we can cover that up by working together at our dinner," I told him my plan with no emotions on my face. I didn't know what I was feeling but one thing I knew I wanted to do with my family. I could get another job here but it was meaningless. 

"Your mom will be so happy after hearing this news. We put a big stone in our hearts when you told us your decision to come here. I was always afraid that one day you would say you want to spend the rest of your life here but now after listening, you want to come back home makes me happy" he said in his delighted voice and kissed my forehead. After that, he went to get his cellphone to tell mom the good news. I just kept looking at him with a small smile on my face. 

"So you have decided to go back" I heard Erick saying. It made me turn my head and look at him. He was leaning against the wall as he kept looking at me with his blue eyes. I gave his nod and moved my eyes back to dad. He came and sat beside me not questing or asking me anything. 

"Nothing is left for me here anymore" I broke the silence while moving my eyes from das to him. His blue eyes had many expressions in them and it seemed like he wanted to say something but he kept quiet. We didn't talk much after that. 

The next day at the restaurant was the same. Everyone showed as if they were busy with their work but I felt everyone's eyes on me from time to time. The kitchen was silent as they too sensed the tension in the air. The kitchen which was always busy with hustle now went all silent and I was the reason behind it. It adds one more reason to my list of why I should go back to my hometown. Today he was ignoring me too. I was trying to concentrate on my work and keep all the things out of my mind as if it was possible but I tried my best. I moved my hand to get the spatula and at the same time, he did too. I looked at him as his hand was covering my hand. I felt everyone's eyes on us. They were holding their breath as I was holding mine. As soon as our eyes met he immediately removed his hands from mine. He instructed Chef Oliver and walked out without sparing me a glance. 

"He is still so mad at you," Logan said in his sad voice as he stood beside me. 

"I have never seen him like that," James said as he exhaled in pity. 

"Sage how long it's going to be like that" I heard William asking me from the corner from where he was standing. I don't know! I wanted to scream but I kept quiet holding my emotion. Because I know they were worried for me. Tears of helplessness welled up in my eyes. I bit on my cracked-up lips while still looking down. 

"Don't worry guys it will end soon?" I said those words while still looking down. I didn't utter anything after that and walked out of the kitchen to get fresh air. I felt suffocated as if everything was trying to eat me up. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand while walking toward the open dining space. But my feet stopped on their own when I looked at them in front of me. I saw dad talking with none other than the head chef. What is he doing here? What are they talking about? As if hearing my question, dad looked in my way. 

"Here she is my daughter so what were you telling me about her?" As soon as dad said those words my heart started racing in a bad way. I felt my heart coming into my mouth when I saw the head chef smirk at me after looking at my colour-drained face. Anger was still visible in his eyes as he got ready to open his mouth. 

I don't want dad to know what I have done.

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