Chapter 41

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****Follow me and vote guys I by mistake uploaded the wrong chapter sorry****

"We will see who begs in the end" 

Saying that I walked out with my head held high. I could feel his grey eyes shooting dagger on my back but I kept walking trying my best not to stumble. I will never let him win against me when it's come to my job. I need this job to fulfil my family's dream. We need to get our restaurant back and this job is my only hope. I won't let go of my hope easily. I was ready to sacrifice my job for Logan because I could relate to him. I understand the pain of seeing our loved ones in pain and I wish no one should see this day in their life. He needs this job to take care of his sick mother and I need this job to get our Kings restaurant back. We both loved our family and could do anything for them for their happiness even if in return we have to lose ours. We can survive looking at their happy faces. 

Both of us had got the last chance to get our job back and we won't let this chance slip from our hands. We will apply our head-to-toe strength to get all the fish and get back to this job. And as a bonus, if I get successful in bringing all the fish I will get to work in the kitchen. I dreamed of it every day and now it was time to make my dream into reality. I know this part is not easy but I will try my best. With this new determination, I walked out of the Villin's restaurant and saw Logan was waiting for me in the car. I ran towards the car, opening the door. I took my seat and he immediately started the engine. 

"So what should we do first," he asked while looking at me, then looking ahead as he was driving. The first thing I did was look at how much time was left. 

"We have already lost ten minutes from our two hours so we have to hurry up fast. Let's start with the old fish market. We searched there and then another market" I said in my firm voice as I took out the card grey eye monster gave me in the morning. 

"Ok then let's start with the old fish market," he said in the same firm voice as he took a turn and started driving towards the old fish market. Taking out my cell phone I dialled their number as I did in the morning but no one was picking up the phone again. Logan looked at me with questioning raised eyebrows as he saw me calling them multiple times. I moved my head in denial. 

"Please Pick up. pick up" I called again while chanting it under my breath and after the third ring, they picked it. 

"Hello, how can I help you," the person asked, making me breathe in relief. 

"Hello, I'm calling to ask if you have some imported fresh fish still in stock," I said in my hopeful voice as I told them the fish names after looking at the list. I was reading the name from the list for him to check and he was saying no making my hope dime each time he denied it. I took the last fish's name and waited for him to check. 

"Yes we have that fish in stock," he said, making my eyes lit up in happiness as it was a small step in getting my job back. 

"Yes, we will be there to take it, don't sell it to anyone," I said in my happy voice. 

"What happened, do they have it," Logan asked in the same hopeful voice as me.  

"Yes they have the last fist lets go and collect then we will go to the old mark to find the remaining six fishes," I said in my happy voice as I showed him the address of that shop which was printed on their card. 

"Yes, let's go there first. The shop is on our way to the old market,'' he said in the same voice as me.  He drives there with a smile on his face. In less than five minutes we reached there and bought the fish. 

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