Chapter 16

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"You will not go there again"

"Why won't I go to see my doctor?" I questioned him with furrowed eyes. 

Why is he behaving like this? 

"I will take you to some other doctor," he said in a firm voice as he gripped my cell phone tightly. 

"Why would I want to go to another doctor," I said with a grim face. 

"Because I said so," he said in the same tone, making me glare at him. He thinks just because he said so I will do what he says. I'm my person. I still remember how he used to make me work for him. It made me even angrier. 

"I'm not your naive employee whom you used to bully. I don't take your commands anymore" I said while getting out of bed. I winched a bit when I rested my foot on the floor. My eyes kept glaring at him. His jaw clenched when I said those words. He gripped my upper arm and pulled me towards him. Only a few inches of distance was left between our faces.

"But you are my wife so do what I say," he said in his firm voice. A humourless chuckle left my mouth. 

"Only in the namesake. You made it very clear to me" I retorted back with a set jaw. 

"I will do as I wish," I said firmly, making myself clear. He moved his angry face as if he had cracked some code. 

"You are interested in him, aren't you? You were ready to meet him when your dad told you about him" he said with a clenched jaw. I was a bit confused for a second but then I remembered dad talking about Maxwell that day. 

"What if I'm," I said, not stepping back. His nostrils flared in anger. Next thing I know his other hand moved in my hair. He brought my face near him, making me look into his eyes. 

"Even if you are my wife in the namesake, you are mine. And what's mine always remains mine, get that into your brain" he said in dominance brushing his lips over mine. I felt sparks on my skin at his nearness but I kept glaring at him. Only a thin piece of paper could pass between us, only that much distance was left between us. 

"I will never be yours. Put that into your brain" I said firmly. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him but he did budge instead he pulled me towards him not even letting air pass through. 

"Ouch" I winced in pain. My feet started to throb because of a sudden moment. 

"Fuck" he cursed letting my hand go and making me seat on the bed. Tears started to form in my eyes in pain. I don't know why but it started to hurt even more. He bends down to look at my ankle. It felt like the swelling had increased. 

"Who told you to stand up? When will you stop being clumsy? Even in the kitchen every alternate day, you get yourself injured. When will you stop wor--" he said those words severely but even before he could complete his sentence he stopped talking. I kept looking down at him with glassy eyes. A sob left my mouth. 

"Let go of my leg. I don't need your help" I said in my crying voice as tears ran down my cheeks. 

"Tiny," he said warningly when I tried to move away. I bit my lower lip in anger when he called me that. 

"Not even at that time you asked me if I was fine or not. You did even ask me once today too if I was fine or not. You just know how to show your claims and anger" I said angrily while moving my leg away and laying down on the bed with my back facing him. My ankle hurts even more. Tears ran down my cheeks as the pain increased. I closed my eyes and sobbed silently. I don't want to see his face. I don't know what he is still doing in my room. But my question was answered when he walked out of my room. I wiped my wet cheeks with the back of my hand. More tears fell from my eyes. I don't know what was hurting me even more. I don't know why I even stupidly expected a word of comfort from him. He doesn't care for me. He made that clear. Everything feels so messed up. I don't know when I slipped into a deep slumber. But it lasted for only a few minutes. I opened my eyes feeling something warm on my swollen ankle. I half opened my heavy eyelids to see what was happening. He was sitting beside me with a hot water bag on my ankle. His hair was messed up as if he had moved his hand in it so many times. 

"Go back to sleep," he said when he noticed my small moment. Why is he back? I pulled my leg out of his hold and covered it. I pulled the quilt over my face which I don't remember when I covered myself with it. The emotions I was feeling were still there. Even in my sleep those emotions still lingered in my subconscious mind. A tear slipped out of my closed eyes. 

What does he want to show by doing this? 

He again tried to put a hot water bag on my ankle but I again moved my leg. A whimper left my mouth because it hurt when I moved my feet. I felt the side beside me getting dipped. He tried to pull the quilt away from my face but I didn't. In the end, he was successful in pulling it down. It angered me even more. His rough thumb pad moved on my wet cheeks to wipe them. I felt little sparks at small contact of our skin. I slapped his hand away but he again repeated his action. I again slapped his hand away from me. Getting annoyed I was about to turn on the other side but he draped his hand and leg over my waist and pulled me towards him before I could do it. He locked me in my place. His hand cupped my face. His thumb again started making lazy circles on my cheeks. I tried to push him but he didn't budge. 

"Look at me," he said these words so softly but yet they had a commanding tone to them. Warm tears slipped down from the corner of my eyes as I refused to do it. 

"Please," he said, this time pleadingly. I opened my glassy eyes slowly. My glassy brown eyes meet with his grey ones. So many emotions and unsaid words surfaced in his grey eyes. But before I could read them he hid them back. More tears slipped out of my eyes. His thumb stopped making lazy circles on my wet cheeks and moved up to wipe the corner of my eye. I don't know when he cut the little bit of distance between us. I found our noses touching each other. I breathed out heavily as his lips moved forward and then back as if teasing both of us. Our breath mixed and synced with each other with our moment as if we both were waiting for who would dare to cut this inch of distance that was separating our lips. 

"Fuck it" I heard him cursing as his face moved forward to cut the distance my heart hammered fast when I saw the sudden raw emotion of eagerness in his eyes. But before our lips could meet the door of my room opened and his mother walked in with the maid. 

"Sage darling, I bought you dinner. You must be--" her words died in her mouth and her eyes widened when she saw us. A gasp left the maid's mouth looking at our position. I wanted to move away but he was still holding me. But what bothered me, even more, was that. 

Grandma walked in from behind them and I saw a mad look in her eyes.  

Which said we are in trouble. 

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