Chapter 12

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From his angry look, I knew I was in big trouble. 

I lowered my eyes, not able to stand his accusing angry eyes. If I lie to him he will for sure catch me. One thing I'm very bad at is lying but disguising myself as a man is a much bigger lie than this lie. But how does he know I was the one who did it? There was no one in the car when I did the deeds. 

Is he trying to test me to see if I accept my crime? Why is he even doubting me? 

Because you are the one on his radar who will only think about taking revenge on him by keying his car. What should I do? Should I accept it? 

I was in such a tight spot. I could feel his hard gaze on me. He was trying to calculate all my changing expressions as I lowered my face. I was in a big dilemma when my inner voice came to my rescue. 

No Sage you will make the biggest mistake by accepting it. Your life will become harder than it is already. 

Sage, deny it. He has no proof. 

Taking my inner voice's advice I took a deep breath to calm myself. I lifted my eyelids and looked into his mad eyes. He was still holding my collar in both of his hands and pulling me slightly to him. There was not much distance between our faces as he had slightly lifted me from the ground to meet his accusing eyes. I swallowed hard as I could feel his eyes calculating my every expression. He will know the truth if I show him my fear. Act like you didn't do anything. Act like you are innocent. 

"What! That expensive car was keyed!" I asked in my astonished voice and tried to act surprised at that piece of information.  Listening to my surprised voice he looked at me with his calm, keened eyes. 

"Don't act like you know nothing," he said in his calm but a spine-chilling voice. It sends a bad chill to my bone leading me to swallow hard but I didn't let it break my lie. 

"I truly don't know anything about it," I said, trying to act innocent with furrowed eyes. I tried my best not to fumble while speaking. Listening to my words he mocked and smirked. Even looking at his smirk was passing fear to my body. Like he knows everything and I'm throwing myself more deeply into the well of my lies that starlight leads to the door of a troubled world. He let go of my collar with the same smirk on his face. It made me look at him with furrowed eyes yet confused eyes. 

Did he accept my lie or not? 

It was hard to judge from his face. Before I could think more to take out the fatal conclusion. He took hold of my hand in his tight grip and lifted it in front of my eyes, making me look at it in more confusion. 

"Then why are you wearing a bracelet as the person who keyed my car," he said in his same calm spine chilling voice making me look at him with wide eyes. His words made me look at my wrist where Sophia's lucky charm bracelet was resting on my wrist. I stared at it for a few seconds and then I moved my wide eyes back to his smirking face. So he was there in the car when I scraped it. But I certainly remember no one was inside. But how sure you are. The car's glass is tinted. My inner voice questioned me. I swallowed hard as I felt like a lamb caught in a lion's paw. 

"Now do you remember something," he asked in his mocking tone, making a lump form in my throat. I'm doomed. Today is going to be my last day. I was just a few days away from completing my first month here and now my dream will remain my dream only. Knowing how materialistic he is he won't let me go out of his claws easily. 

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