Chapter 77

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Mindlink_psyc I'm updating a day early for you.

"I knew on every first day of competition that you were a girl" 

"What" I uttered those words in pure shock, still looking at him with surprised wide eyes. His words felt like a ball of air which was thrown straight into my face with force. I blinked my eyes still not getting a grip on his words. He knew about me from the start. 

"I knew it from the day of the competition and that's why you don't need to apologize to me," he said with a small understanding look on his face. But his words made me more confused, making me look at him in puzzlement. 

"B--but how," I stuttered while asking him, still with a perplexed look on my face. How did he come to know that day? Sophia and I made sure no one became suspicious of me. Then how and if knew it for this long why didn't he say anything to the head chef. What was he waiting for? The more I thought about the words he said, the more confused I became. His pale green eyes moved all over my face reading all my raging expressions.  He sighed before opening his mouth. 

"I heard you and your friend talking just before the competition was about to start," he said, making me blink my eyes as my mouth opened like fish. After hearing his words I didn't know what else to say.  He gave me a faint smile looking at my stunned face.  I closed my mouth and swallowed a lump formed in my throat. 

"T--then why didn't you disqualify me on that day'' I asked the question in a small voice that was eating me. 

"First I wanted to expose you but I heard the reasons your friend was saying why you very badly have to win the competition. I thought I should give you a fair chance. I didn't know if you would make it or not until the end. But you did great in completion. I had no reason to get what you got after competing hard with others" he said with a small smile on his face. 

"First I thought you would leave this job on your own because it's hard to keep up with the head chef but you kept proving me wrong. Even after he gave you a hard time you kept on proving yourself. One thing made me happy that I gave you a chance and you did great" he stated proudly while looking at me as he covered my hand with his which was still fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. 

"But I have messed up everything," I said in my painful voice as I lowered my eyes. He gave me a chance and I messed up in the end.  

"Nothing is messed up, things would have happened this way one day or another. They should happen soon" he said, trying to make me understand. 

"But he doesn't want to see my face. He wants me to leave" I said in my tear-choking voice as I tried to swallow the lump. 

"I know he told me to fire you," he said. Those words made my headshot up to look at him. "What!" I exclaimed as tears fell out of my eyes freely. 

"Yes he told me to fire you on the day itself he comes to know about your disguise," he said confirming what he said. I felt like the ground beneath my feet had been snatched away. 

"He wants me gone for real," I said. Those words increased the pain even more in my heart. Chef Oliver nodded his head yes. 

"What should I do now? He doesn't want me here anymore. How will I-" I couldn't complete my sentence as I again choked up on the big lump In my throat. I moved both my hands in my hair and grabbed them putting my head down in helplessness. 

"Sage relax," he said while trying to calm me. 

"You can still work here until the end of this month which is a few days away," he said to calm me down. I sniffed hard and tried to wipe the tears with the back of my hand. I was an emotional mess. 

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