Chapter 47

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"It's time to go home." 

Those words kept echoing in my ear, and after that, everything was blurred for a good five minutes. My body was stiff as he held my hand and dragged me away from all the people standing on the floor. I still remember that day when he took me to his penthouse. I remember how his sweetness touched me that day. Whenever I think about it, my breasts start to feel heavy, with an unknowing urge rising in them. He is a devil. He could easily lurk in your head and put a spell on you. A shiver ran down my body. Even if he had told me he was marrying me in revenge, He had always been open about how he was going to use his conjugal rights on me. His words always told me I would be doomed the day he used his rights on me. fearing what was about to come next. It was time for us to go because most of the guests had also started to leave. 

"I will go and talk with my parents," he said in his firm tone, looking down at me with his grey eyes. as if I were a kid who would run away as soon as he left me alone. I so badly wanted to be that kid and run away, but I kept rooted in my place. My fingers were fidgeting with each other while I bit on my lower lip in nervousness. I kept staring at the floor as if it were the most important thing in the world. 

"Sage what's wrong," I heard someone say, which made me avert my eyes from the floor. I saw Sophia standing in front of me. 

I breathed out her name. 

"What's wrong?" this time she asked with furrowed brows. Her eyes moved all over my face. 

"I'm so nervous," I said while biting on my lower lip. 

"For what?" she asked again with the same confused look on her face. 

"You know about that," I said in a hushed tone. Doing it for the first time with a sexual beast himself made me feel even more nervous. He must have lots of experience in that, and I know nothing. I was embarrassed enough the first time he kissed me. I had copied his moves even when I was drunk, and he had asked me to open my mouth. I felt tingles all over my body when I remembered it. Sophia was confused for a second before realising what had happened. 

"You have never done hanky-panky with him," she said with wide eyes. I almost wanted to laugh at the word she used, but I was too nervous to laugh. 

"Not even a little bit," she asked again in disbelief. I moved my head in no. 

"He never went down then my abdomen," I said while nervously biting on my lower lip. 

"God, then he's going to be a beast tonight if he's held back this long," she huffed worriedly, making me even more nervous than I was. Her eyes narrowed in my direction, and I saw a look of pity appear in her eyes. If she says anything scary, I will surely run away from her bare feet. She sighed deeply while unfolding her hands from her chest. 

"That's why I used to ask you to go out with guys in university. But you always keep your face buried in your books," she mutters while looking at me with still-narrowed eyes. 

"But don't worry, I've got you. Now listen carefully; everything will be fine. Let him start it, and you follow his lead. Don't get nervous if he does something weird. If you show him even a bit of nervousness, he will try to use it against you. It's a game of dominance. Once you have a hold over a situation, just grab it. Be bold and enjoy it," she said while patting my shoulder and giving me a pep talk. I just blinked my eyes at her for not getting what she said. 

"Do you get it?" she asked again while holding my shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze. 

"I get it," I said, even though half of her words made me confused and even more nervous. I can't handle more pressure, so I just gave her a faint smile. She smiles, looking at me.

"Go, soldier. You have to win this war if you want to have the upper hand in your marriage," she said while giving me a small hug, and I hugged back. The small, faint smile I had on my face completely vanished, and I felt like crying, but I controlled my urge to burst out. Sophia is bold and more outgoing. I could imagine her handling this situation like a pro, but I was a shy potato who had caught the devil's eye. What I have done to get myself in this situation I swallowed hard, pushing the lump down my throat. 

"You can do it; say it," she once again said to me after giving me a hug, encouraging me. I just gave her a small nod. 

"I can do it," I said with a faint smile on my face. 

"Let's go," the head chef said while standing beside me. His eyes moved from mine to Sophia before he could analyse the situation. I nodded my head. I don't want him to discover what we were talking about. I would die in shame under his smouldering grey eyes. Sophia patted my back for the last time, giving me the thumbs up. We walked away from there. I kept chewing on my lower lip. Once we reached the car, I said goodbye to everyone. When I hugged my family, I couldn't help but cry in their arms. I am an emotional wreck at this point. I couldn't hold it anymore. I didn't know what was making me cry more. Parting with my family or what was about to come next I said my goodbyes to everyone and sat in the car with him. I sniffed, sitting far away from him, as the car started. I felt his eyes on me, and I shifted more towards the door. If someone opened the door, I would straight away fall out of it. 

"Come here," he said while taking hold of my hand and pulling me towards him. He almost made me sit on his lap with my face buried in his hard chest. He wrapped his arms around me as if he knew I needed that comfort. I didn't look up at him the entire ride and kept sniffing. Once we reached each other again, he took hold of my hand and took me to his penthouse. My heart was beating loudly the entire time. 

He opened the door to his room, and my eyes widened in surprise. 

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