Chapter 15

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Now, who the hell is he? 

I just kept looking at him with my confused eyes as he kept looking back at me with his angry eyes. I was just trying to figure out if I knew him somewhere. I reached my memory and tried to find if his face was familiar but it was a blind spot as his face didn't match with the single faces of my memory. With narrowed eyes, he started walking in my direction with the same angry look on his face. 

"You thought you could fool me" he repeated his words as he walked in my direction. My heart started playing fast as he was moving with heavy steps. He was not an average body type guy but a bulky one who could easily break me into two pieces. I gulped as the image of him breaking me into two pieces played in front of me and that too I saw it in slow motion. 

Oh God, it looked painful. 

I gulped hard and started bracing myself. If he wants to fight then I need to be ready. I fisted my fingers tightly, ready to fight even though I didn't know if I could even last to his single punch. Taking a few deep breaths my body became ready and now it was in fight mode. Who could have sent him? No one knows my secret except Sophia. Then who wants me to threaten like this. Only one name rang in my brain. 


Oh God, how the hell I forget he was the snitch. Did he send him to threaten me? That evil man, why can't he let me live. Why the hell is he choosing this way to threaten me? I couldn't find the motive behind his actions but I won't let him win. If he thinks I will be scared like this then I will show him it's not easy to scare Sage King. Because Kings never get Scared they fight with all their might. With this new power in me, I pushed my body into fighting mode. I stood with my chest out and ready to pounce on him if he attacked me. From his face, I knew he wouldn't go back without a good fight. The look on his face made me curl my fingers in a tight fist almost digging my nails in my palm. 

"Today I won't let you go without getting a proper answer from you," he said as he was only a few steps away from me. 

"You will not get a word out of my mouth," I said in my heavy voice as he was almost near me. I lifted my hands in a boxing position ready to fight with this bodybuilder. But instead of stopping in front of me, he passed by me like air, not before giving me a side look as if I was some idiot. He looked at me like that probably because of what I said. He passed by me and went to talk with someone else who was standing behind me. Even though I was feeling like a big idiot I took a big deep breath of relief while slumping my shoulders as if a big burden from them was lifted. How stupid to think he was here for me. The good thing is he is not here for me. I didn't want to go home with a bruised body. 

"What are you doing here," I heard the very familiar angry female voice and it made me look back with my slumping shoulders. That bulky man was standing in front of none other than my best friend Sophia. He was looking at her with the same expression on his face but somehow his rough face now had a soft look to it as they were on my best friend's face. 

"Who told you I was here," Sophia asked him with a bitter look on her face as she folded her hands around her chest in a defensive manner. I could see his presence affected her. "I saw your Facebook update saying you were on a date and I wanted to see whom you choose over me but I see no one here. So you were lying to me that you are seeing someone else," he said in his hurt voice causing her to unfold her hands from her chest. Sophia looked at him with narrowed eyes but there was a glint of guilt in it. She was trying to show she doesn't care but she was failing at it. Even I could see it. 

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