Chapter 61

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The moon hides behind the clouds, shying around after witnessing our naked bodies entwined with each other.

I slept calmly in his arms. His hands kept making lazy circles over my back, pushing me more and more into a deep slumber. When I woke up the next day, I still found myself sleeping on his chest with his arms wrapped around me possessively. I slept like a dead woman, not even moving a bit. I lifted my face from his chest to look at him with my half-opened eyes. He was wide awake, looking at me with his grey eyes. Those eyes still held the same fire as last night. His thirst was not even quenched a bit, and it never will be. I could tell that looking into his desired, filled eyes. 

"Good afternoon," he said while pressing his full lips to my forehead. It was his first time saying it to me like a civil person. A lazy smile formed on the corner of my face. I hummed and buried my face again in his warm chest. I still can't believe my grey-eyed monster was so kind and gentle to me last night. 

"I want to sleep more," I mumbled while shifting to sleep in a better position, but he was still not ready to let me go. Somehow I managed to get in bed with him still holding me so close to him. 

"Sleep as much as you want, but once you wake up, I am going to make up for the time you were sleeping," he whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my body. I felt something poking my inner thighs, and I knew what it was. Sleep vanished from my eyes, but I still kept my eyes closed. I pulled myself in and covered myself, making some distance between us. I was still sore from last night, and he knew it. Because the very next second, I heard his chest vibrating, and I heard him chuckling in my direction. He wrapped his hand around me and pulled me onto his naked chest. I twisted and tuned for a few seconds, but then sleep overtook me. The next time my eyes opened, I found myself in the bathtub with my back resting on his hard chest. He was rubbing the soap gently over my arms. I tried to turn, but my body was still aching and my legs were still trembling from last night's impact. So I let him bathe me. I stayed with him longer in the bath so it could soothe my aching body parts. He even washed my hair. Once we were done, he got out first and came back with a towel wrapped around his waist. It was hanging so low on his hips, showing me his V line. My face burned red. 

"Why are you shying around my tiny wife? You saw more than this yesterday," he teased, making my heart beat fast. He noticed what was going on in my mind. 

"Go away," I said in fake anger while burying my face in my knees. 

"Never," he said while helping me out, even though I stubbornly protested doing it on my own. He wrapped the towel around my hair and then around my chest while making me sit on the edge of the bathtub. A gasp left my mouth when he suddenly carried me, walking us back to the room. My stomach grumbled as I inhaled the delicious, mouth-watering aroma of pancakes and chocolate syrup. 

"Put me down," I said once we reached the bed. He didn't want to, but I looked at him. He sighed in defeat. When he let me down on my legs, they quivered. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, with a "told you" look on his face. He had remained true to his words, not letting me walk properly the next day. We ate our brunch once, and he made me wear his shirt, which was too loose for me. Even the sleeves were longer than my arms. We spent the rest of our time on the big round bed-size swing in front of an open pool, which was on the patio. We both cuddled comfortingly in each other's arms. In the evening, we again had a romantic dinner. My legs were still shaking from yesterday, so he only settled for eating me up the whole night, making me go crazy with his cunning mouth and skilled fingers. The next day, I didn't want to stay in the villa. I wanted to see this island. Hopefully, I was able to walk properly today. We roamed the local market, trying the local food. I loved the seafood we ate in small stalls and restaurants. 

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