Chapter 54

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I jolted out of my sleep with wide-open eyes and yelled on top of my lungs to find all eyes on me.

My eyes were wide as if anytime they would fall from my eye socket as my mouth was wide open not believing what I saw. My heart was beating as I'm going to have a heart attack any time. I wanted to just laugh it off and get that dream out of my system but I know what I saw was not a mere dream but an actual memory of yesterday night. The fog around my mind has finally cleared and I don't think I can ever show my face to myself ever again. I bet my face is redder than any red thing found in their world. 

"Sage are you ok," someone asked who was sitting beside me but his words just passed by my ear as I was still very much in shock to notice what was happening beside me. 

"Sage" I felt someone shaking my shoulder to bring me down from a shocking state. 

"Hun," I said looking at the person who was still shaking me. James was looking at me with worry written all over his face. "W--what," I asked him again not getting a word he said looking at him with my wide eyes. 

"Chef Oliver pullover, I think he is having a panic attack," James said in an alarming tone while looking at me, making me look at him with furrowed eyes. I heard a commotion going on around me. 

Who is having a panic attack? I thought for a second but then realisation dawned on me. He was talking about me. 

"W-what no I'm fine," I said in my hurried breathless voice, making them all look at me. 

"No, you are not," Logan said looking at the way I was breathing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

"No, I'm fine, just don't pullover," I said in my firm voice, not wanting to make them worry about me. I don't want to make a much bigger scene than I have already made. Chef Oliver moved his worried eyes away from me and again started his car. 

"Why did you scream like that?" William asked me from the back seat, making my face turn red as I remembered why I screamed like that. They all looked at me, making me want to slip down from my seat and turn into a puddle of water. The one particular dark gaze which was fixed on me from the moment I screamed was making my situation even hard. They all wanted to listen to my answer. I couldn't form anything in my brain for a moment. 

"Oh, t--that' I shuttered as I moved my eyes at everyone dodging only one grey pair in the process. One thing I know now is I'm very bad at making on-the-spot lies. 

"That what," William asked me to continue as his eyes narrowed at me as if he was getting suspicious about my behaviour. 

"I had a nightmare," I said the first thing that came to my mind. 

"A nightmare! I scream like that too when I see it," Logan said as he slapped my shoulder while laughing, making me smile nervously at me. 

"Thank God it was a nightmare I thought you were having a panic attack" James smiled looking relaxed. Chef Oliver too chuckled from the driving seat. 

Did they just believe what I said? Thank God they did. 

I looked in front to find grey eyes looking at me from the rearview mirror with the same suspicious gazes William looked at me. My anxious eyes connected with his grey one for a second. Yeasday night's event flashed in front of my eyes where our eyes were connected and he was hovering over me. I immediately looked away as my whole body started to feel hot as I remembered the way he asked me to open my mouth. I can't believe I have done french kissing as my first ever kiss. 

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