Chapter 106

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"I love you."

I heard those three letters in a small whisper. I was already drifting to sleep when I imagined him saying it to me. I slept comfortably in his protective arms. The next day, when I woke up, I was still in his protective arms. My head was resting on his arm. His fingers were playing with the end of my hair, and his other hand was patting my stomach too lightly with so much care and love. I looked up at him to find his grey orbs already looking down at me.

"Good morning," I mumbled with a huge smile on my face as I snuggled into his warm chest.

"Good morning," he said, wrapping his hand around my waist. We stayed like this in each other's arms for some time. Then we decided to take a shower together. He washed my hair for me, and I just kept resting his rams in the bathtub. He wrapped me in a bathrobe once we were done and carried me out of the bathroom. He is making me lazy.

"You know I can perfectly walk," I said while looking at him. My hands were wrapped around his neck for support.

"And I can perfectly carry you where you want," he said while looking down at me with a smile on his face.

"You are making me lazy," I complained with narrowed eyes.

"Maybe," he smirked, looking down at me. I chuckled while moving my head in amusement.

"Will you still carry me when I'm all fat and triple my weight?" I asked, wiggling my brows at him with a smirk on my lips.

"Don't underestimate your husband's capability. I can carry my pregnant wife without any difficulty," he said while putting me down on the bed.

"We will see," I said when he started to walk towards the closet to get our clothes.

"We will,'' he said while looking back at me. His words held promise. He came back with our clothes. We got changed and then decided to go for breakfast. Today was our get-together. My family was coming too. Elijah has gotten into the university here. So he will come after college. Mom and Dad went directly to the villain's mansion. Grandma has asked them not to stay at any hotel and to come directly there. I had never imagined my family and Xanthus's family would bond so well. Maybe because they had the same family principles. Family comes first.

"I love to pack your things. You remember we are leaving today," Xanthus said, bringing me out of my thoughts. Yes, we were leaving after the party for an unknown destination to celebrate our first anniversary.

"Will you tell me where we are going so I can pack according to that?" I told him, who was busy on his phone, to call someone. I had asked him so many times, but he wouldn't tell me. He says it's a surprise, and he wants to see my surprised face once we reach there.

"You'll know it soon. Pack warm clothes, and if you don't want to, then we can always go shopping there," he suggested while looking up from his cell phone.

"No, I'm not buying new clothes. I will pack some warm clothes for both of us," I said, discarding his suggestion. I do not want to buy clothes that won't fit me for a few months. I already have many clothes, and I have not even worn many of them. They still have tags on them. I will use them before buying anything, and I'm not even letting him buy anything new for me. I stood up from bed, walked into our walk-in closet, and grabbed our suitcase to pack our clothes. Xanthus came to help me pack after half an hour after he was done talking. We were done after two hours. Another hour went by, and I packed all the essential things I needed. I just zipped the bag of toiletries when Xanthus walked inside the bathroom.

"Are you done?" he asked while wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Yes.  I just need to keep this bag, and then I'm done," I said while looking at him in the mirror.

"Hmm," he hummed while kissing my neck and then burying his face in my neck.

"Are you done talking with Chef Oliver?" I asked him. He was instructing Chef Oliver about the pending routine rounds of all his hotels. He won't be here, so Chef Oliver is the only person whom he trusts after him for this work.

"Yeah, I don't need to tell him. He knows everything," he said while his face was still on my neck. His hands started to move inside my tank top.

"Xanthus, we have to leave for dinner. Don't start anything else or we will be late for dinner," I said to him while pushing his hands away from me and walking out of the bathroom before he could do anything. He groaned when I did that, but he followed me out. He took the bag of toiletries from me and packed it.

"Get ready," he said with a sulking face, making me chuckle. He was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand and made him look at me. He looked at me with a raised brow in question and a pout on his full lips. I cupped his face and pecked his lips. He was surprised when I did that. I grin, looking at him. I was about to step away, but he wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me back to him. He touches our lips the very next second. He lifted me a little, making me wrap my legs around his waist. He carried me to the bed. He sat on it with me in his lap. A small peck turned into a make-out. It took us quite a while to get out of each other's arms. I got dressed in my black gown, which Grace had sent for me for today's occasion. The slit was a little high, but It looked great on me. I looked at myself for the last time in the mirror and turned around. I was looking good.

"You look so gorgeous in love," Xanthus said when he walked out fully dressed in a black tuxedo. He walked towards me.

"And you look very handsome," I said while kissing his chin. Yeah, that's where I could reach without my heels. He smiled and kissed my head. Once we were done, we both left for the villain's mansion. Throughout the ride, I was getting bubbles in my stomach. Everyone is going to be there. Now I was standing in front of the door with a nervous smile on my face.

"Ready?" Xanthus asked while taking hold of my hand and intertwining his fingers with mine. When he held my hand, all the nervousness I was feeling flew away; instead, I felt warm. He pressed his lips against the back of my hand. I smiled and replied with affirmation.

"With you always."

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