Chapter 71

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A mere whisper left out of my mouth when I saw her standing in front of me with the chest band in her hand. I blinked my eyes a few times. Prying what I was seeing in front of my eyes was just a bad nightmare. I waited to wake up from it but nothing happened. I was not seeing a nightmare with closed eyes but with my open eyes. Her face held anger and disappointment in her same set of grey colour eyes that looked at me lovingly. I just kept staring into them not knowing what to say. The more I looked into her eyes the more her emotions cleared up for me. She looked more hurt than disappointed. At that moment I knew I had hurt a good soul. I swallowed the big lump that formed in my throat. 

"I'm sorry," I said in my guilty voice because I didn't know how to say something more to defend myself. 

"Why Sage. Why did you do this to us?" She said in anger as hurt in her voice. I pressed my lips in a thin line while pulling my knees towards my chest. 

"We all trusted you and you have been deceiving us like this," she said in her hurt voice as the head chef's best friend stood there with his glaring eyes on me. Another big lump formed in my throat as I felt their hurt, disappointed, and somewhat angry gaze on me. 

"Mom, grandma and we all were happy that Xanthus had finally found someone but you ruined everything. How could you do this to us? You kept on taking advantage of our trust and fooling us. Now I can't take this anymore. I'm telling everyone how big a thug you are who seeks pleasure in fooling the people who trust her and love her" she said in her angry voice while throwing my chest band on the ground. Her every word felt like a kick in my stomach. I deserve this for breaking their trust. Tears and hot tears of agony were spilling from my eyes. My tear-filled eyes widened in fear when I saw her turning on her heels and walking towards the door. 

"I--Isabella please listen to me f---for once" I stuttered in panic and got out of the bed to stop her but as soon as my weak legs touched the floor they gave up causing me to fall on the floor. 

"Sage'' Isabella said in her worried voice as she saw me lying on the floor with my hands trying to support me to get up again to stop her but I failed as they were so weak. Blood started to come out of my hand which was attached to an IV drip. Daniel helped me immediately to get up with his strong arms. 

"Please Isabella listen to me for once and then after that I will accept whatever you decide," I said in my shaky voice as Daniel helped me sit back on the bed. Isabella was standing there with her stunned face as she looked at my condition. 

"Listen to her for once," Daniel said while looking at Isabella as he took some cotton to wipe the blood coming out of my hand. I could hear pity in his voice which made more tears pool in my eyes. She averted her eyes away as a few angry tears fell out of Isabella's eyes as she looked at me. She wiped them with the back of her hand and took a deep breath before looking back at me. She exhaled deeply as if to swallow her tears. 

"O-ok tell me what you want to say," she said while swallowing her anger as her grey eyes fixed on me. Her words brought a small smile to my face. 

"Thank you," I said with a thankful smile while looking at her with my glassy eyes. I swallowed the big lump and opened it to tell her my reason. 

"It was never my motive to deceive any of you. I never thought things would happen to me. I just wanted to do my job and go back after my internship term is over but everything changed. I made friends here, a family, and then the least expected thing happened to me. I fell in love with your brother" I said with a faint bitter smile on my face as I kept looking at her with my teary eyes. Her eyes widened when I said, I fell in love. All of them thought it was just an attraction between me and the head chef but I was in love with him. I had tried to deny It many times saying it was just an attraction and nothing more but in the past few days, I have realised many things. Yes, I'm in love with him and I'm confessing it in front of his sister. 

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