Chapter 4

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"And your time starts now" 

I wiped the tear falling from the corner of the house. Without saying a word more I turned on my heels and walked out without arguing or trying to shift the deadline because I know. He won't agree I should go back home soon and tell mom dad about me going back. Soon I reached the bus stop but no buses were coming for more than half an hour. So I decided to take a taxi because I had no other choice. Throughout the ride, I kept thinking about how I would explain everything to them. They won't be happy after hearing my decision. Mom was happy after seeing me home and it has not even been a full two weeks and I'm leaving back. I kept looking out of the window lost in my thoughts as a tear of helplessness kept on slipping from my left eye. 

"Miss we are here" I heard the driver saying, making me move my head away from the window and wipe my eyes. 

"Thank you," I shrieked in my low voice and got out of the car after paying him. I walked towards the restaurant still thinking about how I would tell them. I kept pressing my side bag to my chest as I kept moving toward the dinner. Every step I took my steps kept getting heavy. Standing in front of the door I took a deep breath. I mustered up my courage and opened the door. As I walked inside I saw not many customers were in. Mom, dad and Elijah three of them were seated in the corner. Mom and dad were talking about something. Stress and worry were evident on their faces. Elijah was biting his nails lost in his thoughts. Their heads turned in my direction when they heard the sound of the bell. Elijah stood up from his seat and fast-walked toward me. 

"Did he give us time or did he agree to our previous amount?" Elijah asked eagerly while looking at my face. His light brown eyes looked at me with hope. 

"Elijah let her sit first," mom said as she too looked at me with hopeful eyes. I just gave him a faint smile and walked him back towards where mom and dad were seated. I took my seat in front of them while keeping my bag on the table. 

"Elijah go and bring some water for her" dad said as I wiped the sweat which was forming on my forehead with the back of my hand. He almost ran and brought the glass of water for me. More sweat formed on my forehead as I thought of ways and they kept looking at me wanting to know what happened. I swallowed the last gulp of water. I kept back the empty glass while wiping my lips with the back of my hand. 

"So," dad asked me, trying to keep his expectations at bay. He didn't look as hopeful as mom and Elijah. I swallowed hard once more and opened my mouth which had gone dry even after drinking a glass full of water. 

"The owner agreed to give us some more time and he had also lowered the buying price," I said in my firm voice trying to sound confident. I told them half-truths and half-lies. I don't want them to think I'm hiding something from them. Mom is very good at doing it and I could tell she has already started doubting me. Her facial expression told everything. 

"Are you hiding something from us, Sage" mom asked as she saw me trying to look away from her. 

"N--no why would I hide something from you?" I questioned back with a nervous smile on my face. 

"Then why do you have so much nervousness on your face?" She questioned back with her worried face. 

"Sage sweet you can tell us whatever they told you. You don't need to hide it. It's ok if he refuses our proposal. I'm sure we will find some other way to find a solution" she said while covering my hand with her and pressing it firmly. I was feeling bad hiding the whole thing from them but I didn't have any other choice. 

"I'm hiding nothing mom. He had agreed with us that now the only thing we have to do is gather more money to settle this for all and one" I said with a bitter smile on her face in my firm voice. I tried to take away all the doubt. I moved my eyes and looked at them trying to assure them nothing was wrong. From their face, it looked like I had convinced them. Even dad didn't look hopeless anymore. 

"Is it true?" he asked again while grabbing my hand with new hope in his eyes. 

"Yes," I said in a barely audible voice with a better sweet smile on my face. 

"Thank God" mom thanked God with a little prayer with a smile on her face. Elijah hugged me from the side and I wrapped my hand around him. This place means so much to us. Mom and Dad spent their youth and we spent our golden childhood here. We have lots of memories here. Leaving this place is just like leaving the life we spend here. I smiled looking at their relieved faces. Now it was time to tell them that I was leaving back for the city. 

A tear tried to slip out of the corner of my eyes as I felt the guilt. A big lump had formed in the base of my throat when I tried to explain it to her. But no voice came out of my mouth. I took a deep breath and gathered all my courage. 

"Mom dad and Elijah I need to tell you something," I said trying to get their attention. All of them looked at me with their beaming eyes wanting to know what I had to say. I took a deep breath before opening my mouth. 

"I have to leave back for NewYork now" 

And just like that, the happy smile vanished from their faces. 
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