Chapter 5

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And just like that, the happy smile vanished from their faces. 

"What do you mean by you have to leave back for New York now," mom asked, coming out of her shock. Dad and Elijah, we're still looking at me in confusion. I felt so short of words when she questioned me. 

"You just returned home. Why are you going back so suddenly?" Elijah asked with furrowed brows. His light brown eyes tried to find the things I was trying my best to hide. I was feeling pressured by their questing eyes which made my mind go blank. Dad was still shocked after hearing my words. Of course, I had expected This kind of reaction from them. I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to answer them. 

"I know I just came back but I have to leave. We are still short on money and if we want to get the new amount I need to go back to the city to work to earn more. The kind of money we need is much bigger this time" I said, trying to make them understand. 

"But why today" dad huffed after getting hold of himself. "I called chef Oliver regarding the job. I requested him and he told me to report him tomorrow. He had hired me back on short notice even though I left the work before any prior notice. He is being generous to me" I explained to them, trying to make them understand. 

"Why does everything have to happen now? I was happy that our family was back together. But no first thing we had this property problem and now you are leaving back" mom said in a sad voice with tears in her eyes. 

"We can't do anything you have already made up your mind," dad said joining mom. I know they want me to stay with them but I don't have any choice. That grey-eye monster is making everything so difficult for me. He is moulding my life as he wants. 

"Dad mom. I will be back soon once I get the money. Then we can all be together once again" I said in my hopeful voice trying to cheer them up. They nodded their heads in understanding whereas Elijah still kept looking at me with a look in his eyes. I just gave him a small smile and looked away. I felt little fear that he would discover all the lies I have been hiding behind me. He was always good at that like mom. I looked at my wristwatch. I had not much time left in my hand. I need to pack to leave before the deadline. I didn't realise how time slipped. 

"I need to pack," I said in my little alarmed voice. After packing I have to leave soon for a station. They gave me a small nod and I smiled back at them. They still had sad expressions on their faces but they didn't try to stop me anymore. Taking it as my cue I went home and started putting whatever clothes I got in my bag. Less than fifteen minutes I was done stuffing everything in my bag. I walked out of the house in a hurry. I need to go back to the restaurant to say goodbye to mom, dad and Elijah. As soon as I opened the door I saw Elijah standing there with a long serious face. He looked up as he heard the cracking of the door. 

"What are you doing here," I asked with furrowed brows while pulling my bag out so I could lock the door. He should be at the restaurant helping mom and dad. I faced him once I was done locking the door. He was now looking at me with a serious face. 

"Sage, tell me what you are hiding," he asked straight away without betting around the brush. His question caught me off-guard. 

"No-nothing" I stuttered and tried to walk away but he held my hand making me look back at him. He still had serious expressions on his face. 

"I'm hiding nothing Elijah. Let's go. I need to say mom and dad bye before I leave" I said while looking at my watch but he still didn't let go of my hand. 

"Sage, stop acting and tell me what's wrong. I know you are not a person who makes impulsive decisions. I know you are leaving because of something else" he said in his serious voice hitting a nail. I knew it was of no use in hiding anything from him now. 

"You are right but I don't have time to explain everything to you now. I promise I will tell everything once things fall in their place for good" I said with a bitter smile on my face. He still wanted to know the situation and that was written on his face. 

"Trust me, Elijah. I will tell you everything when the right time comes but now just let me go before things become worse" I explained to him trying to make him understand. His light brown eyes still move all over my face. 

"Are you in danger?" he asked in his firm voice but I could tell he was worried. Worried for me. Yes, I'm in danger and we all will be if I don't reach back to grey eye monster before my two hours end but I can't tell him. 

"No, I'm not. Stop worrying about me and let's go. I can't miss my train" I said while taking hold of his hand and moving forward. I followed without saying a word more. I said bye to mom and dad. Mom cried and dad said bye to me with a sad face. I felt bad leaving them but I have no other choice. They hugged me tightly. I promised them to call every day without forgetting. Elijah waited with me until my taxi arrived. My taxi arrived soon. 

"Bye," I said and hugged Elijah. 

"Promise me you will call me if you are in a problem," he said while hugging me back. His words warmed my heart. 

"Yea I will," I said before breaking our hug. 

"I love you. Take care of mom and dad" I said while pecking his cheeks. I did this whenever I would drop him at his school and he would wipe his cheek immediately telling me he is not a kid anymore. But today he didn't wipe his cheek, instead, he smiled at me. 

"I love you too. Don't worry about mom and dad. Take care and call me once you reach" he said with a smile on his face but it was a sad one. Tears welled up in my eyes. I nodded at him and told the driver to drive. I kept standing there until the taxi vanished from his eyesight. 

Once again I was leaving my town. It looked like the past was repeating itself but the only difference this time was. 

There were no hopes in my eyes like the last time I left this town.
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