Chapter 13

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What will happen if he tells everyone my secrets?

This thought caused bubbles of the anxious surge in my stomach which were ready to burst anytime. He was still holding my face and looking at me with his steady still eyes making his conclusion more and more right. I laughed nervously and took this hand away from my face, still laughing a little loud nervously. He too imitated my laughter, making me more nervous.

What is this man?

"You are funny," I said while punching him lightly on his shoulder.

"No I'm not," he said while again Imitating my action and punching me back lightly on my shoulder.

Does he want me to make a crying face after listening to his words?

Why is he not stopping it?

I was still laughing, nervously, or crying. I don't know what my exact emotions were coming out anymore. I was not sure about it anymore. We both were still looking at each other as we heard someone clearing the throat and it made me break my gaze from Williams's face.

"Tell us what's so funny," asked the deep voice making my body go stiff then more it was. I bit my lower lips in resentment and took a deep breath as I turned my face slowly to look at him. His still grey eyes were only fixed on me and it made it harder for me to be in the same room as him.

He wanted to know what we were talking about and I subconsciously looked at William and he was waiting for me to tell him what we were laughing about with a smirk on his face. If I don't tell him we were talking about me being a girl then it will be the confirmation for William that I'm hiding it. If he still has doubted me about being a girl my answer will turn into full proof for him. I swallowed hard as I was caught in such a bad circumstance. On one side there was a dry well and on another side, there was a big deep abyss and both of them were calling me with open arms. Now everyone was looking at me to know what we're laughing for.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's not that funny to be shared" I said while still laughing nervously. I tried to brush it off but I knew they wouldn't let it go that easily. Saying that I filled my mouth with food to stop myself from talking.

"Common Sage, tell them. You said it was funny a few seconds ago," said William while again bumping his shoulder to mine to encourage me.

How the hell he became the talker now. Why can't he keep his mouth shut?

His words made bulbs of nervousness rise in my stomach. My mouth was still full of food and they all were looking at me with curious eyes except one pair of eyes that were looking at me with a slaying glare as his eyes moved from me to William. I took a deep breath and swallowed little food while trying to make myself ready to answer them. I tried to buy time while chewing my food slowly. But at one point all of their gazes started to bore in me as I was taking so much time in swallowing my food. So I tried to explain them with my mouth still full of food. From their face, I knew they didn't understand a bit about what I was talking about. Good, I don't want to explain to them anyway. a grey-eyed monster looked at me with disgust as he saw me talking with a mouth full of food. Looking at my actions I knew they would brush it off.

"First swallow your food, they don't understand a bit," Willam said to me. I looked at him with glaring eyes and he smirked at me. I swallowed hard all the food in one go while still glaring at William.

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