Chapter 47

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***Make my wish come true follow me, guys.***

"Don't you date to show your clams on me ever"

I walked out of there with my broken heart. I will not let him play with me again. I wiped my face before going to the kitchen but my eyes were still red. 

"Sage, where is the meat," chef Oliver asked me as I came back empty-handed. I didn't bring meat with me. 

"We are running out of it. I will go and grab it from the market" I lied as I ran out before he could say anything. I wanted to be alone now. The rest of the days went like that as I was deeply engrossed in inner agony. That day I went home and cried even more. I had decided to not make any relation not to get attached to anyone. Not fall in love with anyone but all my plans were ruined. I was going through everything that I didn't want to. I hope that the rest of the months go fast so I can go home soon to my family. I want to stay with my people and cry in my mom's lap as the burden of new relations, feelings are eating me up. It was not the right time for me but things happen to you only at your wrong time. Erick noticed my change of behaviour. 

"What's wrong Sage?" he asked me as I was walking back to my room when he came back home as I didn't feel like being with anyone. 

"Nothing," I said in my small voice and tried to get away from him but he didn't let me. Instead, he took me to the couch and made me sit on it. 

"Now tell me what's wrong," he asked in his calm voice. 

"Sage," he asked me as he lifted my chin and made me look at him. 

"Everything feels so burdening," I said looking in his blue eyes with my glassy one. 

"I'm doing things which I shouldn't do but they are not in my control anymore," I said my crying voice looking straight into his eyes. His eyes softened when he heard my words. 

"Is it hurting you badly?" he asked in his soft voice as he looked at me with his blue eyes. I nodded my head yes. 

"Who is he?" he asked in his firm voice as he heard my words, making me look at him with confused eyes. 

"Who," I said in my small crying voice. 

"The person you are in love with," he said those words without any doubt making me look at him with my teary surprised eyes. 

"How," I asked him in the same voice as a tear rolled down from my eyes. 

"I'm familiar with these tears and the pain you are feeling," he said in his calm voice but a pinched smile on the corner of his lips as he put his finger under the rolling drop of my tear and it felt on his finger. 

"I know how it feels to be there, maybe I'm still there," he said as he looked at the teardrop on his finger. I could see the pain in his eyes. 

"Do you love her?" I asked as I saw his pain. 

"I don't know things are very complicated but I have learned to deal with it in my way," he said as a pained smile crossed his face. 

"What went wrong," I asked in my curious voice as I wiped my eyes from the back of my hand. 

"Many things," he said without telling me the actual reason as he was still looking at the drop of my tear with unknown emotions in his eyes. 

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